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Republication Policy

by | Jul 27, 2021

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False Teacher of the Day #59: Kathryn Krick

False Teacher of the Day #59: Kathryn Krick

While we here at The Dissenter along with other discernment ministries have been sounding the alarm on her for some time, any False Teacher of the Day series would be woefully incomplete without a full expose on “Apostle” Kathryn Krick. After all, this self-styled...

Defying Rome: Wear Orange on St. Patrick’s Day

Defying Rome: Wear Orange on St. Patrick’s Day

Every year, as March 17th rolls around, we're smothered beneath an avalanche of green—green beer, green shamrocks, green everything—as if someone accidentally detonated a giant Leprechaun-themed confetti bomb. Amid this nauseating sea of verdant monotony, a dissenting...

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