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The Slow Drift Toward LGBTQ Inclusion in Evangelical Churches
Any sane person with a shred of common sense with an IQ higher than the average fish can read the Bible and clearly see that it teaches homosexuality is against God's law. The discord isn't over this clear fact, but on whether or not what the Bible teaches is true. In...
LifeWay Closing Brick and Mortar Stores Due to “Accelerated Rate of Erosion”
LifeWay Stores, a bookstore chain operated by the Southern Baptist Convention that sells anything from rank heresy to Heaven-tourism to try to make money has announced that they will be closing a number of stores due to an “accelerated rate of erosion.” Thom Rainer,...
Lamborghini Pastor Who Cheated on Wife Compares The Holy Spirit to a Bluetooth Device
Reformation Charlotte has been reporting on the South Carolina Word of Faith charlatan and former associate of Joel Osteen, John Gray, who, after cheating on his wife, gifted her a 200 thousand dollar Lamborghini. In a recent video, you see him comparing the Holy...
Allie Stuckey Calls Out Beth Moore, Jen Hatmaker For Unbiblical, Worldly Theology
On today’s podcast, Allie Stuckey talks about 3 myths that Christian women believe, noting that the feminist idea prevalent in Christian circles that “you [women] are enough” is worldly and unbiblical. This is one of quite a few myths that Christian women believe, not...
Baptist Church to Teach Series on Abolishing Sexual Ethics in the Church
A Baptist church that was ousted from the Texas Baptist Association in 2016 for its pro-sodomy stance will begin a new teaching series on exploring “perspectives and hang-ups about sex, relationships, and finding a better way forward.” Jared Slack, a pastor...
In the Wake of a Dropped Lawsuit, Megachurch Pastor, James MacDonald Takes ‘Indefinite Sabbatical’
In the wake of a lawsuit against Julie Roys and others who threatened to expose his misdeeds, MacDonald has bowed out of leadership at Harvest Church altogether for what has been deemed an “indefinite sabbatical” in a statement released on the church’s...
New York Bans Gay Conversion Therapy, Adds “Transgender” to Protected Statuses
FOX NEWS – New York legislators have voted to ban gay conversion therapy and add gender identity to the state’s anti-discrimination laws. Both measures passed the state Senate and Assembly on Tuesday. Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo is expected to sign both bills...
Pro-Life Activist Assaulted, Life Threatened For Saying “Jesus Loves You”
A pro-life activist in Fort Worth Texas gets viciously assaulted by a man for saying “Jesus loves you.” After the assault, Ryan Roberts continues pleading for the lives of unborn children as he spits blood. The assaulter had a bumper sticker that read “Christ is...
Top Evangelical Leaders Call For Amnesty to ‘End Government Shutdown’
In the midst of a federal government shutdown, progressive Evangelical leaders from several entities wrote an open letter to President Trump urging him to compromise on conservative ideas and work in a “bipartisan” way to end the government shutdown. The...
Brian Carn: “You have to go through the crushing, the squeezing, and the pressing if you want the oil to flow from your life”
Sometimes it’s interesting to just sit back and watch the tomfoolery of these outlandish, silly charismatic Word of Faith folks. In this recent video, Brian Carn, who refers to himself as a “prophet,” says, “you have to go through the crushing, the squeezing, and the...
First Openly Lesbian Bishop in United Methodist Church Conducts Services in Salt Lake City
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4 News) — The First Openly Lesbian Bishop in the United Methodist Church conducted services for the first time in Utah this morning in Salt Lake City Bishop Karen Oliveto previously served as senior pastor of the twelve thousand glide...
Man Drives Car Into Lake Because “Jesus Told Him To”
NBC MIAMI – A new report details the moments where a South Florida man drove his Ferrari into the Intercoastal Waterway – all because he told police that Jesus told him to do so. NBC affiliate WPTV reports that Palm Beach Police released their findings...
Principal of Las Vegas Elementary School Sends Email Recommending Sexually Perverted Books for Kindergarteners
Jacqueline Brown, Principal – Schorr Elementary The principal of Schorr Elementary School in Las Vegas, NV sent out an email to her staff instructing them how to indoctrinate children in to LGBTQ acceptance. “Don’t just correct stereotyped beliefs—challenge them,” the...

The Problem With Celebrity Christian Music Is That It Takes the Glory From God
Every day, we hear something about a celebrity Christian pop artist “doing something good,” or topping some kind of chart. That’s the problem. We hear about the artist. We hear about what the artist is doing, how many followers on social media they have, what kind of...

North Carolina Churches Harboring Illegal Aliens
ASHEVILLE – A local church in Asheville, NC is reportedly harboring and enabling illegal aliens. According to Mountain Express, a social justice church by the name of BeLoved which is founded and lead by a woman, Amy Cantrell, has been harboring illegal...
Pastor Accused of Stealing Almost $35,000 From Congregation
Donald Lee Reynolds GRAND FORKS HERALD — A former pastor faces 10 years in prison after being accused of stealing almost $35,000 from his parish in northeast North Dakota over the past 14 years. Donald Lee Reynolds, an Edmore resident who was born in 1959, is...
PCA Church Hosting Lesbian Trans Event Claims They “Didn’t Know”
Last week Reformation Charlotte reported on South City Church in St. Louis, a PCA church pastored by Mike Higgins, that is planning to host a transgender activist Lesbian for the purpose of teaching us how to “appreciate” and “celebrate” the lives of sexual...
Todd Friel and Phil Johnson Discuss: What Do We Do With Beth Moore?
Host of Wretched Radio, Todd Friel and Executive Director of Grace to You, Phil Johnson, join to discuss the false prophecies of Beth Moore, and why we, as believers should mark and avoid her.
Voddie Baucham: ‘Society has Feminized the Office of Pastor’
Voddie Baucham talks about the feminization of the Office of Pastor in the Church. Voddie Baucham Jr. (DMin, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is dean of the seminary at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia. The author of a number of books,...
Watch 4-Year-Old Kid Take Mic in Pentecostal Church, Run Around Crazy, and Ask For Money
…but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.Matthew 18:6 A four-year-old child is given the mic and stage in a...

North Carolina Churches Harboring Illegal Aliens
ASHEVILLE – A local church in Asheville, NC is reportedly harboring and enabling illegal aliens. According to Mountain Express, a social justice church by the name of BeLoved which is founded and lead by a woman, Amy Cantrell, has been harboring illegal...