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8 Reasons Why Bethel’s Kris Vallotton’s Prosperity Gospel is False

8 Reasons Why Bethel’s Kris Vallotton’s Prosperity Gospel is False

Kris Vallotton, the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and co-founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry believes that God wants you to have wealth. That “contrary to what we may have been taught,” wealth is actually a sign of...

Mariolatry and the Deceit of Rome

Mariolatry and the Deceit of Rome

A Biblical Examination of Mariolatry From Rome's Official Sources One of the points of controversy that is still acknowledged between biblical Protestants and the Church of Rome is over "mariolatry," or the place of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. I want to examine what...

Parents Magazine Features Gay Couple on Front Page

AFA – Parents is using its magazine as a platform to promote the pro-homosexual lifestyle. Even if families do not personally subscribe to the publication, they should be warned that it could be displayed in waiting rooms of dentist and doctor offices, where...

Should Christians Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.?

Should Christians Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.?

Martin Luther King Jr. said and fought for some things that any right-thinking Christian should applaud.There are, however, two and only two kinds of people in this world. Those from every nation, tribe, kindred and tongue who have been born dead in the first man Adam...

Catholic School Decides to Carry Book With Gay Propaganda in Library

CBC – Drama by American author Raina Telgemeier includes side story on same-sex relationships. Ottawa’s English Catholic school board has changed its mind and will put a graphic novel, which has a side story about two boys who are attracted to each other, back on its...

David Taylor: Pastors, If You’re Speaking Evil of Me, Screw You!

A new cult leader claiming he regularly sees Jesus face to face has a strong message for pastors and discerning Christians who are “speaking evil” against him and turning people away from him. If you turn people away from seeing Jesus face to face by speaking evil of...

SEBTS Grad: 11 Ways the Social Justice Contradicts the Gospel

A recent graduate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary recently put out a videodiscussing the downgrade of the Southern Baptist seminary and it’s continuous slide into the social justice gospel. The video received a lot of good reviews from from anti-social...

Jesuit Catholic Church Holds Pro LGBT Mass

As if the worship of a cracker in and of itself isn’t blasphemous enough, the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols held for the second time a Mass welcoming LGBT+ Catholics, parents and families, on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Sunday, 13...

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