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Eric Mason Blames Mass Black Abortions On White People

Eric Mason is the author of the book, Woke Church, and founder and lead pastor of Epiphany Fellowship, a Southern Baptist church in Philadelphia and a staunch proponent of Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory (CRT) has become one of the predominant schools...

Supreme Court Disappoints Pro-Lifers, Halts Louisiana Abortion Law

CHRISTIAN HEADLINES – The Supreme Court Thursday blocked a Louisiana pro-life law from going into effect, disappointing pro-lifers and putting a damper on hopes that a new conservative block will quickly lead to a reversal of Roe v. Wade. That still might happen, but...

Vermont Bill: ‘Fetus Shall Not Have Independent Rights’

A draft bill in the Vermont House right now declares that “a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus shall not have independent rights … under Vermont law.” The bill, H.57, known as the Freedom of Choice Act which has more than 90...

Open Letter To President Donald Trump: Appeal To Ban All Abortions

Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.Psalm 2:12 Dear Mr. President, I thank you greatly for your service to our nation. God ordained you to be a minister of justice and we...

Pro-LGBT Activist Who Thinks She’s A Christian Defends Abortion

Rachel Held Evans is a friend an ally of evangelical lady preacher, Beth Moore, as well as other professing Christians, such as Jen Hatmaker. Held Evans made her debut in 2008when she — a professing Christian — questioned whether or not evangelicals “had it...

Southern Baptists Join With Nancy Pelosi to Defund the Wall

The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) is a network of Christian groups with a globalist, open borders agenda that supports amnesty for illegal immigrants and opposes traditionally conservative political ideology. Nancy Pelosi and Russell Moore Russell Moore,...

Cultural Seduction and the Demise of the Southern Baptist Convention

Feminism, Marxism, Black Liberation Theology, LGBT rights. Cultural seduction has taken over the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), unquestionably–at least by any rationally thinking Bible-believing Christian. The SBC for many years was revered for its conservative...

Pro-Gay Jesuit Catholic Priest Wins LGBT Leadership Award

SOUTH BEND, Ind. (ChurchMilitant.com) – Pro-gay Jesuit celebrity priest Fr. James Martin is receiving an award from an LGBT alumni group at the University of Notre Dame. The notorious pro-LGBT Jesuit priest will be receiving the Thomas A. Dooley...

Catholic Bishop of NY Says Excommunication Not an Option For Murderers

You may wonder why I report on apostates acting like apostates, after all, they act this way because they don’t have the gospel. But it’s necessary to continue to expose the hypocrisy and ungodliness that the Roman Catholic Church serves to perpetuate, especially...

Babies Born Alive After Abortion Can be Left to Die Under New York Law

LIFE NEWS – New York Governor Andrew Cuomo this week signed into law a bill that legalizes abortions up to birth. While that has been the main focus of the legislation, the new law also revokes medical care for babies who are born alive after botched abortions....

NY Governor Cuomo Celebrates Death Bill, Robert Gagnon Responds

Two days ago, NY State passed a bill allowing the slaughter of innocent children in the womb all the way up until birth. New York Governor, Michael Cuomo cackled, calling the passage of the bill, “bittersweet.” The Reproductive Health Act is a historic victory for New...

Planned Parenthood Reports 332,757 Infant Killings in 2018

Planned Parenthood has long been known as the primary hit-company for unwanted children in the United States. Though the nefarious business has officially declared itself to be a “women’s health” organization and staunchly denied that its primary service is murdering...

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