The Church

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Heresy of the Day #23: Oneness Pentecostalism

Heresy of the Day #23: Oneness Pentecostalism

Oneness Pentecostalism, a growing movement within the broader Pentecostal tradition, has ensnared many in a web of theological errors and heresies. While it might present itself as a vibrant expression of Christian faith, it is, in truth, a radical departure from...

12 Fallacies of Christian Church Revival

12 Fallacies of Christian Church Revival

Do you make these mistakes on Christian Church revival? Take 10 minutes and you will grasp them and how to avoid them.For centuries, Christians and the church of Jesus Christ have experienced revivals and spiritual awakenings. These revivals differ from a mere revival...

Is Voting Democrat Compatible With Faithfulness to God?

Is Voting Democrat Compatible With Faithfulness to God?

After watching parts of the debate last night between Pennsylvania candidates John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz, it has become abundantly clear that the Democrat party's commitment to abortion, LGBTQ, and all of the other items on the progressive agenda far outweigh the...

What is the Doctrine of Original Sin and Why is it Important?

What is the Doctrine of Original Sin and Why is it Important?

There is a growing movement within Evangelical churches to reject the doctrine of original sin. The doctrine of original sin teaches that through Adam, all people are born with an inherent nature inclined toward sin and are in need of the regenerating work of the Holy...

Remaining Faithful to the Word of God

Remaining Faithful to the Word of God

by Jeff RoseIf we are not careful, we can find ourselves drifting into a state of despair when we observe the landscape of American Christianity. I remember reading the article about Joshua Harris, how he no longer considered himself to be a Christian, and instead...

PCA Church With Gay “Celibate” Pastor Hosts Drag Queen Event

PCA Church With Gay “Celibate” Pastor Hosts Drag Queen Event

Greg Johnson, the pastor of Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Louis has been a vocal proponent of the "gay Christianity" movement known as Revoice. Johnson, a homosexual himself, has been instrumental in perpetuating the "gay Christianity" movement within...

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