In one of the most ominous displays of the Biden administration's hostility toward pro-life advocates, Lauren Handy, a courageous anti-abortion activist, has been sentenced to nearly five years in prison for protesting at the Washington Surgi-Clinic in D.C. On October...
The Church
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Heresy of the Day #23: Oneness Pentecostalism
Oneness Pentecostalism, a growing movement within the broader Pentecostal tradition, has ensnared many in a web of theological errors and heresies. While it might present itself as a vibrant expression of Christian faith, it is, in truth, a radical departure from...
SBTS Trustee, Tom Rush, Calls on NAMB President Kevin Ezell to Resign Over Campaign With False Gospel
Last month, The Dissenter reported on the newly-proposed partnership between the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board (NAMB) and a heretical “evangelism” ministry called He Gets Us. He Gets Us, as we demonstrated, is not only a gay-affirming...
Andy Stanley Says There is No Clear Divine Standard of Good That’s Been Revealed to All of Us
Sounding like a postmodern, subjectivist—which he is—Andy Stanley preached in a recent sermon that "good" is a moving target and that there is no universal standard of good and that God has not clearly revealed a standard of good to all of us. Stanley says this in...
Stacey Abrams Appears at Notorious Word of Faith Heretic, Creflo Dollar’s Church, Gets Standing Ovation
Georgia gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams—who has been traveling around from church to church preaching sermons on how abortion is necessary to further her religious cult’s agenda—has put on her clown suit once again as she takes to MSNBC to evangelize...
Transgender Miscreant Rips Up Student’s Bible and Eats Pages From It at University of Wisconsin-Madison
During an event at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, a student was reading from Romans 1 when he was attacked by a group of transgender miscreants who then ripped his bible to shreds and began eating the pages out of it. Like a scene from the hyena exhibit at...
Southern Baptist Church Worships to Sanitized Version of Foul-Mouthed Rap Song, “Astronaut in the Ocean”
If it isn’t foul-mouthed bands, it’s circus performances. If it isn’t a circus performance, it’s Hollywood. What passes as “church” and “worship” these days should invoke the righteous indignation of every true believer in the world. There is no fear of God in...
SBTS Prof, Denny Burk Calls on Southern Baptists to Disfellowship Saddleback But Misses the Bigger Issue
Denny Burk, a professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, called on Southern Baptists to "make a choice" between caving to Saddleback Church's demands that cooperating churches be allowed to ordain women to the pastorate or to disfellowship from Saddleback....
Matt Chandler Says He’s “Eager to Return Soon” to Pulpit After Leave of Absence for “Inappropriate Texts”
Last month, we reported that Acts 29 leader and pastor of Village Church, Matt Chandler had stepped down in accordance with the recommendations of his fellow elders after he revealed that he’d had what was described as an “inappropriate” texting...
Episcopal Church to Release App to Replace Church With AI Pastors and Present Queer and Feminist Theology
Have you ever just wanted to skip church and have your spiritual needs met with the swipe of your fingers whenever you have time for it? Well, the Episcopal Church has an app for that—or it may soon.The Episcopal church, like most mainline denominations in America, is...
Mark Driscoll Accuses Mars Hill Leadership of Plotting to Oust Him By Framing Him for Committing Adultery
Mark Driscoll is the fallen pastor who was forced to resign from Mars Hill, the church he founded for, well, basically being a horrible person. On accusations ranging from plagiarism to bullying, one thing is for sure, Mark Driscoll was a prideful man. In recent...
12 Fallacies of Christian Church Revival
Do you make these mistakes on Christian Church revival? Take 10 minutes and you will grasp them and how to avoid them.For centuries, Christians and the church of Jesus Christ have experienced revivals and spiritual awakenings. These revivals differ from a mere revival...
Is Voting Democrat Compatible With Faithfulness to God?
After watching parts of the debate last night between Pennsylvania candidates John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz, it has become abundantly clear that the Democrat party's commitment to abortion, LGBTQ, and all of the other items on the progressive agenda far outweigh the...
NY Pastor Suggests God and the Bible are Racist, Sexist, Because Bathsheba Didn’t Get Her Own Psalm in the Bible
Adrienne Thorne, the new "pastor" who is praised for being the first African American woman to lead the historic New York Riverside Church, recently preached a sermon questioning God and the Bible because the Bible states that David was repentant for his sexual...
What is the Doctrine of Original Sin and Why is it Important?
There is a growing movement within Evangelical churches to reject the doctrine of original sin. The doctrine of original sin teaches that through Adam, all people are born with an inherent nature inclined toward sin and are in need of the regenerating work of the Holy...
SBC Pastor Slams Tom Ascol as “Racist” While Defending Women Pastors
I can honestly say from the perspective of one who is deeply saddened by the state of the Southern Baptist Convention that it is disheartening to see so many pastors in the denomination carried away by vain philosophies and dropped into the abyss of their own mass...
SBC Pastor Says Five Nearby Southern Baptist Churches Have Women Pastors, Calls on Exec. Com. to Ban Them
Over the last several years, the Southern Baptist Convention has been embroiled in contentious debate after contentious debate. While the denomination has been bickering over everything from LGBTQ inclusion to Critical Race Theory, the current war between...
TD Jakes Welcomes Extreme Pro-Abortionist, Pro-LGBTQ Politician, Beto O’Rourke, to His Church
When you have no actual Christian convictions and the only thing you care about is how to use the name of God to become filthy rich, it shouldn't surprise anyone that you end up with an anti-Christ shaking hands with the members of your congregation on Sunday morning....
Is Preston Sprinkle Right? Is It Important for Christians to Listen More to LGBT People In Order to “Love” Them?
Preston Sprinkle, one of the original advisory board members of Revoice, the "gay Christian" movement within Evangelical churches, has been instrumental in shifting the church's doctrinal stance on homosexuality and other aberrant sexualities. It is through Sprinkle's...
Remaining Faithful to the Word of God
by Jeff RoseIf we are not careful, we can find ourselves drifting into a state of despair when we observe the landscape of American Christianity. I remember reading the article about Joshua Harris, how he no longer considered himself to be a Christian, and instead...
Is the Southern Baptist Tent Growing Too Big? Is the Denomination Opening Its Doors to Heresy?
The Southern Baptist Convention is arguably the most criticized denomination in the country as it has taken a decidedly "big tent" approach to issues that it faces. Seemingly never able to fully please either its detractors or its supporters, the Southern Baptist...
PCA Church With Gay “Celibate” Pastor Hosts Drag Queen Event
Greg Johnson, the pastor of Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Louis has been a vocal proponent of the "gay Christianity" movement known as Revoice. Johnson, a homosexual himself, has been instrumental in perpetuating the "gay Christianity" movement within...