In a move that should surprise no one who’s been paying attention, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has once again proven that when faced with a choice between standing firm on biblical principles or caving to cultural pressure, they’ll take the path of least...
The Church
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The CBF, Which Many SBC Churches are Aligned With, Merges With Pro-Sodomy Organization
In the modern landscape of American Christianity, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) finds itself grappling with internal conflicts that reveal the troubling infiltration of leftist ideologies. A prime example is the dual alignment of some Southern Baptist churches...
FBI Accused of Attempting to Infiltrate Churches, Sparking First Amendment Concerns
A recent letter from Congressman Jim Jordan, Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary, to FBI Director Christopher Wray has raised concerns over the FBI's handling of domestic violent extremism investigations against Catholic Americans and its impact on First...
Truth Amidst Turmoil: Discerning and Defending the Faith in the Age of Subtle Spiritual Deception
During the early days of Christianity, the fledgling Church faced numerous obstacles and disagreements over its teachings and doctrines. Much of the professing Church found itself at odds over how to interpret scripture and understand doctrine, eventually giving rise...
SBC’s NAMB Faces Defunding and Calls for Change Amid Growing Concerns
Last year, The Dissenter reported on the newly-proposed partnership between the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board (NAMB) and a heretical “evangelism” ministry called He Gets Us. He Gets Us, as we demonstrated, is not only a gay-affirming...
Michigan Pastor Says He “Witnessed the Resurrection” When Gov. Whitmer Repealed Anti-Abortion Law
It's bad enough that the queer community has created a movement within their movement that they dare to label Christianity, a movement that not only seeks to normalize, but also to glorify sicj grotesque sex acts that would even have the assailants at Sodom and...
Can One Be Saved While Dismissing a Literal Interpretation of Genesis Creation Account?
The question has been posed: can someone be saved while rejecting a literal interpretation of the creation account in Genesis? The answer to this question is not as straightforward as some may hope, and as much as I hate to use the word "nuance," there is some nuance...
Tolerance, Passivity, Complacency: What is the Kindness of God that Leads to Repentance?
In many modern churches, the true essence of divine grace and mercy has been distorted and diluted, resulting in a skewed understanding of the transformative power of God's love. With their plush pews, rainbow-splattered banners, and messages of unconditional...
Church Crucifies Disney Character, Belle, From Beauty and the Beast For Easter Performance
The great Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon once predicted that “a time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats!” He was correct, and that time is now. In recent years, there has been an insidious but...
Ken Ham Rebukes Andy Stanley for His Affirmation of Evolution
The following rebuke was written by Ken Ham in a post on Twitter: Watch the short video clip attached of Andy Stanley. He is a teacher with a large flock in Georgia. How should we respond to what he is teaching in this clip? God’s Word has a severe warning for those...
Russell Moore Claimed “Jesus Has AIDS” in Article at The Gospel Coalition
Before his departure, Russell Moore was arguably the most polarizing figure in the Southern Baptist Convention, notorious for his extreme leftist activism and controversial stances on numerous issues. From his soft support of homosexuality to his advocacy for open...
The Bible is Not a Creation of the Church, but the Eternal, Literal, Inerrant Word of God
In the beginning was the Word, and it has reverberated through the epochs, shepherding the Church and standing as an everlasting bulwark against the encroachment of heresies, empty ideologies, and vain philosophies that seek to defy the knowledge of the God. The Holy...
Andy Stanley Denies the Creation Account in Genesis, Apparently He Knows Better Than God
Syncretism often occurs when two or more cultures or religions come into contact, leading to the blending of their spiritual beliefs, rituals, and symbols. This can result in a unique fusion of religious ideas and practices. There are two major religions in the world...
Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy
Believers in Christ's atonement are now in declared religious union with those who make light of it; believers in Holy Scripture are in confederacy with those who deny plenary inspiration; those who hold evangelical doctrine are in open alliance with those who call...
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ and Its Indispensable Role in Our Faith
Throughout the annals of history, no religious figure has endured the relentless scrutiny and targeted attacks quite like Jesus Christ. As the central figure of Christianity, Jesus has faced unyielding opposition from various quarters, both in ancient times and in our...
Tennessee State Rep Says Jesus Was Lynched for Supporting the LGBT Community on Good Friday
There was a man named Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, who was born of the Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem, as it is written: "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given" (Isaiah 9:6). He was called Emmanuel, which means "God with us" (Matthew 1:23), and...
Woman Crucified on Stage During Easter Morning Service at Mike Todd’s Transformation Church
The contemporary new-wave feminist movement within Christianity is a valiant effort to promote gender equality and challenge the traditional gender roles that have persisted in the Church. This movement stands on the shoulders of giants, building on the legacy of...
SBC Megachurch Pastor Praises Laundry List of Rank Heretics During Easter Sunday Sermon
David Hughes, lead pastor of Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, has transformed his congregation into a theatrical spectacle that resembles a comedic performance more than a house of worship. In one Instagram post, Hughes stated “If there’s one thing we can...
Hundreds of Women “Pastors” Sign Petition Urging The SBC to Accept Women Pastors
A gaggle of religious feminists has drafted an open petition, calling upon the Southern Baptist Convention to adopt a policy that allows women to assume leadership roles, particularly the office of the pastorate in the church, rebelling against God's clearly stated...
Former Homosexual Faces Serious Prison Time for Sharing Conversion Testimony in Malta
In Malta, a nation at the forefront of LGBTQ+ rights, the consequences of the Affirmation of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression Act has sparked an intense debate surrounding freedom of expression and religious persecution. Matthew Grech, a...
Is God Homophobic?
The term "homophobia," as presently understood by our contemporary society, is a linguistic construct devised by the political and social left to characterize what they describe as an irrational fear, aversion, or discrimination against those who identify as LGBTQ+ on...
Ed Stetzer’s 2018 Political Hit Piece Against Paige Patterson Proven Completely False in Court
In June 2019, a lawsuit was filed against Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) and its former leader, Paige Patterson, by an unnamed plaintiff known as Roe. She alleged multiple incidents of sexual assault committed against her by a former seminary...