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What Does it Mean that Jesus “Became Sin” For Us?

What Does it Mean that Jesus “Became Sin” For Us?

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Thus, the Bible, a divine tapestry woven with complex and deeply layered threads, stands as a testament to the unfathomable wisdom of the Almighty. For it is written, "Study to show...

Southern Baptist President Exchanging the Truth About God for a Lie

JD Greear is the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, and he’s the fresh new hip face of New Calvinism (which really isn’t Calvinism at all) that the millennial generation so desperately desires. Greear is the modern face of our current Evangelical...

Democrat Says People Should Stop Having Kids Because of Climate Change

Daily Wire — Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) suggested on Sunday night that people should consider not having children due to climate change because there is a “scientific consensus” that life will be hard for kids.Ocasio-Cortez Fires...

Proposed Bill in Iowa Equates Homeschooling to Neglect and Abuse

CBN — Homeschool advocates are speaking out about an Iowa bill that requires school and court officials to conduct health and wellness checks on families who homeschool.  HF 272, introduced by Rep. Mary Mascher, would make homeschool families who do not report to...

The Fall of Francis Chan and Why He Should Be Avoided

The Fall of Francis Chan and Why He Should Be Avoided

You may wonder why I believe Francis Chan has fallen and needs to be avoided. Isn't he orthodox? Doesn't he preach the true gospel? Isn't he, well, doctrinally sound? Well, Chan is a graduate of both John MacArthur’s Master’s University and Seminary, an unusually...

Hillsong NYC Pastor: We Wouldn’t Be Here Without Steven Furtick

Carl Lentz is the lead pastor of the seeker-friendly prosperity church New York City branch. Lentz, who recently announced that his church is “not anti-LGBT” and that everyone is welcome, including unrepentant sinners, is now praising Steven Furtick, the...

Priscilla Shirer, Contemplative Mystic Seeker-Sensitive False Teacher

Priscilla Shirer is a good friend and a disciple of well-known prophet-preacher Beth Moore and daughter of the Pelagian heretic, Tony Evans. Besides the fact that women preaching and teaching men in the church is unbiblical (read more about that here), these two...

Donald Trump Defunds Planned Parenthood, Sort Of

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 22, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released its final rule changing funding regulations under the Title X family planning program, a long-awaited action expected to reduce...

Kari Jobe’s Sexualizing of God’s Love and Word of Faith Heresy

Kari Jobe is a popular musician being promoted in churches, especially to our youth. Jobe, out of seeker-sensitive NAR Robert Morris’ Gateway church, is known for popular songs like I Am Not Alone, and Love Came Down. She is also under the leadership of...

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