In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Thus, the Bible, a divine tapestry woven with complex and deeply layered threads, stands as a testament to the unfathomable wisdom of the Almighty. For it is written, "Study to show...
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Sola Gratia: God’s Unmerited Grace Rooted in the Scriptures and Illuminated in Church History
The Protestant Reformation marked a pivotal moment in Christian history, with the re-emergence of a long-forgotten and neglected doctrine that would resonate with believers for centuries to come: sola gratia, a Latin phrase meaning "grace alone." This foundational...
While Christians Applaud the UMC’s Ban on Homosexuality, Don’t Forget They Still Officially Support Abortion
The United Methodist Church (UMC) recently held a special General Conference to address a growing push for the official acceptance of sexually deviant behaviors in the denomination. To the dismay of liberal progressives — and quite the surprise to many conservatives —...
Francis Chan Says He Rejects Prosperity Gospel, Yet Promotes and Fellowships with the Worst of Them
Francis Chan is a peculiar figure. He is a graduate of John MacArthur’s Master’s Seminary where he was thoroughly educated in the biblical Christian faith and prepared to defend against the very nonsense — such as continuationism — that he is now caught up in. In a...
Planned Parenthood CEO Says Infanticide “Doesn’t Exist” – Donald Trump Responds
Leana Wen is the current CEO of the largest mass infant murder institution in the world, killing well over 330 thousand unborn children in 2018. In response to the Senate Bill that was voted down by Democrats — which would guarantee medical access to aborted...
Southern Baptist President Exchanging the Truth About God for a Lie
JD Greear is the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, and he’s the fresh new hip face of New Calvinism (which really isn’t Calvinism at all) that the millennial generation so desperately desires. Greear is the modern face of our current Evangelical...
Twitter Bans Pro-Life Activist After He Released Names of Aborted Body Part Traffickers
February 26, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A prominent pro-life activist found himself locked out of his Twitter account last week after he linked to a LifeSiteNews report on the legal battle between Planned Parenthood and Center for Medical Progress leader David Daleiden. On...
Andy Stanley’s Money Series: Even if You’re Not Convinced Jesus is the Son of God, You Should Lean Into His Teachings
With every passing sermon, it becomes more clear that Andy Stanley’s ultimate purpose is not to make Christian converts and disciples — it’s to better the world. Stanley’s peculiar form of moral therapeutic deism is not subtle, it’s blatantly obvious in pretty much...
Democrat Says People Should Stop Having Kids Because of Climate Change
Daily Wire — Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) suggested on Sunday night that people should consider not having children due to climate change because there is a “scientific consensus” that life will be hard for kids.Ocasio-Cortez Fires...
How Did a Gay Anglican Priest Become the Face of Evangelical Relationship Advice?
It used to be that Christians were not only held to a moral standard, but those who are pastors and deacons were held to an even higher standard — above reproach. That standard, as laid out in 1 Timothy 3, consisted of things such as being married to one wife, being...
Mark Dever Doesn’t Believe Democrat Sanctioned Abortion as Bad as Hitler’s Germany
Mark Dever is the pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC and founder of the 9Marks ministry. I’ve had a lot of respect for Dever over the years and for many reasons. It saddens me that so many of our conservative, Christian leaders have given way to...
Nearly Half of United Methodist Delegates Support Same-Sex Marriage, LGBT Clergy
EC — On the second day of the Special General Conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC), the delegates voted to set priorities for legislative matters to be addressed. Today’s vote determines in what order legislation will be considered. The top...
Proposed Bill in Iowa Equates Homeschooling to Neglect and Abuse
CBN — Homeschool advocates are speaking out about an Iowa bill that requires school and court officials to conduct health and wellness checks on families who homeschool. HF 272, introduced by Rep. Mary Mascher, would make homeschool families who do not report to...
Senate Votes Down Bill That Would Require Medical Care for Aborted Children Born Alive
WAPO — The Senate voted Monday to block consideration of a measure that would punish any doctor who fails to provide medical care to a child born alive after an attempted abortion. All but three Democrats voted against a procedural motion on the Born-Alive...
The Fall of Francis Chan and Why He Should Be Avoided
You may wonder why I believe Francis Chan has fallen and needs to be avoided. Isn't he orthodox? Doesn't he preach the true gospel? Isn't he, well, doctrinally sound? Well, Chan is a graduate of both John MacArthur’s Master’s University and Seminary, an unusually...
Hillsong NYC Pastor: We Wouldn’t Be Here Without Steven Furtick
Carl Lentz is the lead pastor of the seeker-friendly prosperity church New York City branch. Lentz, who recently announced that his church is “not anti-LGBT” and that everyone is welcome, including unrepentant sinners, is now praising Steven Furtick, the...
London Police Officers Arrest Christian Street-Preacher for ‘Breach of Peace’
Last year, I was in Scotland on mission with Jeremiah Cry Ministries to preach the gospel in Glasgow, Edinburgh, and other cities around the country. It was my experience that the freedoms we currently enjoy in America are scarce elsewhere....
Priscilla Shirer, Contemplative Mystic Seeker-Sensitive False Teacher
Priscilla Shirer is a good friend and a disciple of well-known prophet-preacher Beth Moore and daughter of the Pelagian heretic, Tony Evans. Besides the fact that women preaching and teaching men in the church is unbiblical (read more about that here), these two...
Relax: Jim Bakker has Armageddon covered, with buckets of pizza in the Ozarks
KC STAR — In a town named Blue Eye near Branson, Mo., disgraced televangelist Jim Bakker continues his comeback, prepping souls for a nuclear apocalypse, one bucket of “Staying Alive” freeze-dried food at a time. On Monday The Daily Mail published a...
LGBT Activist, Rachel Held Evans, Says Jesus Never Addressed Homosexuality and Neither Do Orthodox Creeds
The LGBT activist who thinks she’s a Christian, Rachel Held Evans, says that homosexuality is not sinful because “Jesus never talked about it.” Apparently, it angers her when Christians refer to homosexuality as sin as the historic, orthodox Christian position. Of...
Donald Trump Defunds Planned Parenthood, Sort Of
WASHINGTON, D.C., February 22, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released its final rule changing funding regulations under the Title X family planning program, a long-awaited action expected to reduce...
Kari Jobe’s Sexualizing of God’s Love and Word of Faith Heresy
Kari Jobe is a popular musician being promoted in churches, especially to our youth. Jobe, out of seeker-sensitive NAR Robert Morris’ Gateway church, is known for popular songs like I Am Not Alone, and Love Came Down. She is also under the leadership of...