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Five Marks of a False Teacher

Five Marks of a False Teacher

In the pursuit of spiritual growth and understanding, the true Bride of Christ is a community that is rich in faith, hope, and love, all bound together by the Word of God. Yet, within this visible body, there lurks a danger that threatens the very fabric of our...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part IV: Clericalism

Snares of the Modern Church – Part IV: Clericalism

Continuing our series on the snares confronting the modern church, we now delve into the subtle yet pernicious snare of clericalism. This term, perhaps unfamiliar to some, captures a dynamic that, unfortunately, is far too familiar within the walls of many...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part IV: Clericalism

Snares of the Modern Church, Part III: Consumer Christianity

As we continue our exploration of the snares of the modern church, a challenging, yet important, topic comes to the fore: Consumer Christianity. This term, while perhaps unfamiliar to some, paints a vivid picture of a troubling trend. It points to the conversion of...

Short Op-Ed: Should Christians Support Turning Point USA?

Short Op-Ed: Should Christians Support Turning Point USA?

I've never been a fan of Turning Point USA (TPUSA) or its movement. I really just don't care much for the personalities involved in it, particularly, Charlie Kirk. But there are a lot of churches—so-called conservative churches—that are embracing, promoting, and...

Praising God Even in the Midst of Difficult Times

Praising God Even in the Midst of Difficult Times

Today, the glittering facades of prosperity and self-interest have largely shrouded the sacred reverence and humble piety at the heart of Christianity. The Holy Scripture is often misinterpreted and misused to serve the interests of man rather than glorify the...

Abortion is Nothing More Than a Sexual Fetish, Women Are Not Victims

Abortion is Nothing More Than a Sexual Fetish, Women Are Not Victims

In the maelstrom of our continually metamorphosing society, a singular issue continually fuels the fires of contention, setting minds and hearts ablaze: the matter of abortion. This contentious topic cleaves society with an almost surgical precision, causing a chasm...

Christ as Our Substitute for God’s Wrath and Our Reward His Work

Christ as Our Substitute for God’s Wrath and Our Reward His Work

The Apostle Paul, in his second epistle to the Corinthians, makes an assertion of unparalleled profundity: "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21). This single verse in the...

Five Marks of a False Teacher

Five Biblical Ways to Spot a False Prophet

In an age where confusion often masks the truth, believers must remain vigilant. Our spiritual home, the modern church, finds itself facing an unseen threat from within. False prophets have slipped quietly into our congregations, pretending to shepherd us in faith,...

On Muslims Coming to Christ in Dreams and the Heresy of Monophysitism

On Muslims Coming to Christ in Dreams and the Heresy of Monophysitism

Over the past several years, an intriguing phenomenon has captured the attention of many in Christian circles: Muslims across the Middle East purportedly experiencing dreams and visions of Jesus, leading to their conversion to Christianity. Prominent Evangelical...

Hebrews 1:3 – An Exegetical Affirmation of Jesus as God Himself

Hebrews 1:3 – An Exegetical Affirmation of Jesus as God Himself

"And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high..." —Hebrews 1:3 NASBWhile Hebrews 1:3 serves...

Should We Ever Assume Mormons are Saved?

Should We Ever Assume Mormons are Saved?

In an age of information overload and media consumption, the influence of popular culture on our perspectives and beliefs cannot be overstated. It's not uncommon for prominent figures within the public sphere to shape or even reshape our understanding of faith and...

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