Adorned in a Planned Parenthood stole, a woman masquerading as a "pastor" of God's sheep heralds the mantra of death as she celebrates her own two abortions from the pulpit. As the true church, largely compromised, at best, on this issue, stands silent in the face of...
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Biblical Purity in Youth Ministries: Should Youth Groups Welcome Transgender Youth?
In today's rapidly changing cultural landscape, it is becoming even more important for the church to defend our younger generation by teaching and standing firm on the foundational truths of Scripture. One of the most contentious topics of our day is the issue of...
Not Satire: Pastor Builds Bird Nest on Stage and Pretends to Eat Worms in Crazy Sermon Illustration
You may remember a few years ago when Shawn Nepstad, the former pastor of People Church, hauled a dumpster on stage and climbed in it, and began to preach from the dumpster. No, that was not satire, you can see the clip here if you like. But the level of tomfoolery...
JD Greear, Who Twerks to Whitney Houston During Church, Scolds His Church for Treating Service Like an Entertainment Production
The megachurch industrial complex is grappling with a significant dilemma. Often, these churches start small, but are built around a production or personality rather than the gospel itself. It's rare to see a large church that doesn't depend on some form of...
Why We Must Confront False Teachers No Matter How Outlandish and Absurd They Are
In a world feverishly engaged in an unrestrained pursuit of "progress," the demarcation line between secular culture and shallow, cultural Christianity is not merely fading—it is being intentionally obliterated. To be clear, the line between the pagan culture and...
Progressive Social Media Philosopher Unlocks the Real Culprit Behind Christianity’s Woes
"Dr." Kevin M. Young has unlocked a mystery that has baffled theologians for centuries. With the clatter of his keyboard, he has pinpointed the downfall of modern Christianity, and it's nothing so profound as a departure from biblical truth or a failure to preach...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part VII: Cultural Relevance
Every Sunday, across the globe, congregations gather in church buildings, expecting not only to hear the Word of God but often to be entertained. We see the theatrical spectacle of contemporary churches engaging in “culturally relevant” productions, sermon series...
Pastor Teaches About Love From Scripture…No Wait, From Top Gun Movie
There is a welcomed trend of churches arming themselves with the Scriptures to teach important messages about the faith that we should find encouraging. Church after church, pastor after pastor, they're all opening the Scriptures, preaching Christ and Him crucified,...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part VI: False Love
The pages of Scripture are permeated with a resplendent theme: the inestimable and unspeakable love of God. This love cascades through time and eternity, an everlasting torrent of grace and mercy. We are taught even as little children the profound simplicity of love,...
Teen Arrested While Preaching on Public Sidewalk as Drag Queens Do Sex Dances in Front of Children
Anyone who argues that drag shows are "just entertainment" and not sexualized is by definition what God calls those who "justify the wicked" in Proverbs 17:15. The drag cult is a sex cult. The cult of Dionysus was a Greek mystery religion centered around the worship...
Wheaton Professor Teaches Class on Environmental Justice at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
The buzzwords 'stewardship', 'sustainability', and 'creation care' are ringing out from pulpits across the nation. At face value, they sound biblical and commendable. However, once we peel back the layers, we see a different picture—one where biblical truths are...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part V: The Gospel Coalition and Worldly Wisdom
A dark and disquieting influence has infiltrated the modern church, casting long shadows across the pulpit and pews alike. Though this enemy began in a far subtler way—cloaked in the guise of social enlightenment, a pied piper playing the seductive melody of "woke"...
The Continual Charade of False Apostleship at Bethel Church
In a post-Christian culture where even a minute illusion of professing Christianity still exists, sensationalism often supersedes substance and the allure of prophetic visions and mystical experiences continues to bewitch believers. A case in point is the recent claim...
Transvestite Tops iTunes “Christian” Music Charts, Rivaling Elevation Music, Lauren Daigle
If you want to know just how low we've gone not only as a nation, but just how irrelevant we've collectively become as the Church, look no further than what passes as "Christian" music in the worship music industry.You may remember the ever-popular "Christian" rock...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part IV: Clericalism
Continuing our series on the snares confronting the modern church, we now delve into the subtle yet pernicious snare of clericalism. This term, perhaps unfamiliar to some, captures a dynamic that, unfortunately, is far too familiar within the walls of many...
SBC Egalitarians Take Victory Laps Over Defeat of Mike Law Amendment
Southern Baptists either never learn from their mistakes or are willfully ignorant of the consequences of compromising, or giving even an inch, on doctrinal purity. The recent defeat of the Mike Law amendment at the SBC annual meeting is a glaring testament to this...
“Apostle” Sharon Nesbitt Describes the Holy Spirit as a Mother Hen “Hovering” Over the Waters
Sometimes, when I run across such nonsense, I get angry. But in this case, I can only feel absolute pity for such utter foolishness. In fact, it appears we've stumbled into a theological comedy sketch, masquerading as deep biblical “insight.” "Apostle" Sharon Nesbitt...
Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Transgenderism
In the Old Testament, we see numerous examples of societies adopting practices that are abominable in the sight of God. One such practice was the sacrifice of children to false gods. In our modern era, this same spirit of rebellion against God's design is manifesting...
Pagan Idolatry and The Democrats’ Quest For Unfettered Sex
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeedYou’re gonna have to serve somebody,It may be the devil or it may be the LordBut you’re gonna have to serve somebody. Bob Dylan, Gotta Serve Somebody These lyrics in Bob Dylan's 1979 hit song ring as true today as...
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