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Christmas Hymn Review: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Christmas Hymn Review: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

There’s a reason some Christmas hymns endure for centuries. They don’t merely entertain or evoke warm holiday feelings—they proclaim truth. Continuing my series on Christmas hymns, I now turn my attention to one of those rare gems—Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. It...

Santa is Competing With Christ for the Worship of Your Children

Santa is Competing With Christ for the Worship of Your Children

Every December, a rotund figure clad in red velvet descends upon the collective conscience of Western civilization, not through chimneys as legend would have us believe, but through malls, movies, and mantelpieces. His name is Santa Claus—a jolly old saint, they call...

Check Out the New “Jesus Mecha Christ” “Transformer” Toy

Check Out the New “Jesus Mecha Christ” “Transformer” Toy

A transforming Christ-meets-mecha toy? Yes, the “Jesus Mecha Christ” transforming toy actually exists. It's like someone sat down and said, “How can I mock both God and basic decency in one fell swoop?” This isn’t art or satire—it’s an abomination born from the unholy...

Christmas Hymn Review: Away in a Manger

Christmas Hymn Review: Away in a Manger

Previously, I wrote an article calling for discernment while scrutinizing the lyrics of the popular Christmas song, Mary Did You Know? I knew it would be a provocative piece, as it was meant to be. However, my intent was not to dissuade you from enjoying these tunes,...

Christmas Song Review: Yes, Mary Did Know

Christmas Song Review: Yes, Mary Did Know

The Christmas season has a way of draping everything in nostalgia. Familiar carols, the warm glow of lights, and the cozy rituals of family traditions tend to stir something deep within us. But more often than not, I hear a song that makes me stop and think—sometimes...

Don’t Lose Sight of the Gospel in the Incarnation of Christ

Don’t Lose Sight of the Gospel in the Incarnation of Christ

Christmas is upon us again—the season of twinkling lights, cheerful songs, endless shopping, and, yes, Santa with his elves performing acrobatics on our bookshelves. The world, predictably, is consumed with the “season” itself, offering little more than cheap...

Public Schools Are Becoming Literal Temples of Satanic Idolatry

Public Schools Are Becoming Literal Temples of Satanic Idolatry

Public schools are quickly becoming Satanic temples. Don’t believe me? Look at Edgewood Elementary in Marysville, Ohio, where they’ve rolled out the red carpet for The Satanic Temple’s new “Hellion Academy of Independent Learning.” An actual program named HAIL is now...

False Teacher of the Day #59: Matthew L Stevenson III

False Teacher of the Day #59: Matthew L Stevenson III

Matthew Stevenson, the self-appointed prophet and spiritual guru of the All Nations Worship Assembly empire, is not just a false teacher—he is a charlatan of the highest order. With a ministry built on emotional manipulation, pseudo-theological ramblings, and a...

America’s Embrace of Assisted Suicide is National Suicide

America’s Embrace of Assisted Suicide is National Suicide

Many people here in America have heard of assisted suicide and believe that it is something that doesn’t really happen here. It’s the kind of thing you imagine in some dystopian novel or a distant land where human life is treated like a commodity, bartered away in the...

Breaking Down Andy Stanley’s Latest Heresy

Breaking Down Andy Stanley’s Latest Heresy

In Andy Stanley’s latest sermon, he makes several claims that are either outright heretical or lead to heresy when taken to its logical conclusion. I would like to break these claims down and address them point by point. "When the New Testament authors began writing,...

Listen to This Trash, Blasphemous Creed to “Non-Binary” “Jesus”

Listen to This Trash, Blasphemous Creed to “Non-Binary” “Jesus”

Listen to this trash from these hellbound heathens pretending to be a church—a “non-binary God” with plural pronouns, as if the One who thundered from Sinai is now taking cues from Twitter pronoun bios. They repeat this “creed” to their “non-binary” “Jesus.”I believe...


The Modern-Day Nicodemite Evangelicals

The Modern-Day Nicodemite Evangelicals

Jessica Bates was a mother of five, a woman who knew what it meant to love, to sacrifice, to open her home to those in need. She wasn’t asking for much—just the chance to take in a child from Oregon’s foster care system, a system that, incidentally, never seems to...

Hatred for Christianity is Fueled From Within

Hatred for Christianity is Fueled From Within

There was a time when mocking God was a dangerous business. There was a time when scorning His people carried a cost. And there was a time when conservative Christians in America weren’t the preferred punching bags of Hollywood’s sneering elites. But that time is long...


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