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Joel Osteen’s Church Rejects “Jesus Was a Migrant” Message

[LMT Online] A Houston group that projected the message “Jesus was a migrant” onto the walls of several Houston buildings says leaders of Lakewood Church summoned police to remove its crew from a public sidewalk. Over three hours Sunday evening, members of Indivisible...

Baptist Megachurch Minister Embezzles Nearly a Million Dollars

HOUSTON – A Harris County grand jury indicted a former Houston’s First Baptist Church minister Monday for allegedly stealing more than $800,000 from the church. Jerrell G. Altic, 40, allegedly embezzled the money during a six-year period that ended in November 2017,...

“Gay Christianity” and the Church Growth Movement

“Gay Christianity” and the Church Growth Movement

History of the Church Growth Movement In a decades-long maneuver, what we know as the “church growth movement” has been plaguing Christianity for quite some time. Beginning in the 1960’s building on the foundations of people like Donald McGavren, megachurches began...

That Time Billy Graham Preached Universalism and Became a Heretic

That Time Billy Graham Preached Universalism and Became a Heretic

Remember that time when Billy Graham branded himself a heretic and said that one need not know Christ to be saved and get into Heaven? Good times, good times. Well, that video is documented here for anyone who doubts the veracity of this claim. Billy Graham preached a...

Gay “Pastor” Says Premarital Sex is Healthy and Moral

Gay “Pastor” Says Premarital Sex is Healthy and Moral

Brandan Robertson, a homosexual and self-described “pastor” and a rising star in progressive evangelicalism was interviewed earlier this week by the Huffington Post. In the interview, he was asked what his thoughts on premarital sex are. I believe for some...

Lecrae, Carl Lentz, Fawn Over Pro-Abortion Democrat, Stacey Abrams

Lecrae, Carl Lentz, Fawn Over Pro-Abortion Democrat, Stacey Abrams

PNP News -- Lecrae, Carl Lentz, and Planned Parenthood all have one thing in common. They all endorse Stacey Abrams as a role model for young girls. Abrams lost her race for Governor of George to pro-life Republican, Brian Kemp, no thanks to celebrities who came out...

Why Apologetics Method Matters

Apologetics method is the outworking of one’s theological commitments or presuppositions. Since apologetics entails a defense of the message from God directed to human beings, it logically follows that one’s beliefs about the nature of God, the nature of God’s...

Captive Thoughts: Defense of Presuppositional Apologetics

Captive Thoughts: Defense of Presuppositional Apologetics

It’s tempting to argue with the unregenerate about God. They often level attacks on the very foundation of Christian beliefs–the Scriptures–claiming that our Bible depicts an evil, bloodthirsty dictator or that there are many contradicting passages in Scripture. Many...

Reflections on Scotland Mission Trip: The Land of John Knox

Reflections on Scotland Mission Trip: The Land of John Knox

Recently, Reformation Charlotte visited the beautiful country of Scotland along with many others who joined with JeremiahCry Ministries to take the gospel to this once flourishing land. Scotland was once home to one of the most important Protestant reformers in Church...



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