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Baptists Join Pope in Vatican for Ecumenical Hand-Holding

Recently, the Baptist World Alliance (BWA) and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity held a joint meeting with a theme of “Common Christian Witness” in the world. First, I’d like to point out that true Christians, including Baptists, have no “common...

A Sodomite Church in Las Vegas Harbors Illegal Alien Cross-dressers

Northwest Community Church in Las Vegas, NV, touts itself as a church that is “fully inclusive.” According to its website, Northwest Community Church is a place where all are welcome. As a fully inclusive church, ALL are fully embraced for the wonder of who...

Cross-Dressing Man Sues Women’s Football Team To Join and Wins

[Christian Headlines] A biological male who identifies as a woman has won a lawsuit against a women’s football league and team, which prohibited anyone but biological women from playing.   [A man who goes by the name] Christina Ginther, who was born male, tried...

Joel Osteen’s Church Rejects “Jesus Was a Migrant” Message

[LMT Online] A Houston group that projected the message “Jesus was a migrant” onto the walls of several Houston buildings says leaders of Lakewood Church summoned police to remove its crew from a public sidewalk. Over three hours Sunday evening, members of Indivisible...



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