In a stunning yet unsurprising display of moral and doctrinal capitulation, the United Methodist Church (UMC) has...
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Results for "united methodist"
The Counterfeit Christ of the United Methodist Church
The modern world has no shortage of counterfeits—be it counterfeit money, counterfeit Chinese goods, or counterfeit...
2nd Largest United Methodist Church Withdraws from Denomination Over Capitulation to Sexual Immorality, Progressivism
In 2019, the United Methodists narrowly voted in favor of holding to a biblical sexual ethic and disallowed LGBTQ...
Major Group of Conservatives to Split from United Methodist Church on May 1
In 2019, the United Methodists narrowly voted in favor of holding to a biblical sexual ethic and disallowed LGBTQ...
ERLC Contributor and Revoice Speaker Upset that United Methodists Decided to Purge Homosexuals
If you haven't heard the news, the United Methodist denomination has agreed to split due to irreconcilable differences...
United Methodists Anything But “United,” Denomination Leaders Seeking to Split Over LGBTQ Inclusion
Earlier this year, the United Methodists narrowly voted in favor of holding to a biblical sexual ethic and disallowed...
Despite New Rules Banning Homosexuals, United Methodist Church Ordains Openly Gay Pastor
In February, the United Methodist Church, thanks to the leadership of African bishops and messengers, officially...
Good News: United Methodists Purging Unrepentant Homosexuals From Their Ranks
THE VIRGINIAN PILOT — The United Methodist Church, America’s second-largest Protestant denomination, faces a likely...
Nearly Half of United Methodist Delegates Support Same-Sex Marriage, LGBT Clergy
EC — On the second day of the Special General Conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC), the delegates...
United Methodists Seeking to Affirm LGBTQ Clergy Tomorrow
CT — One of the world’s largest Christian denominations faces potential fracture as United Methodist leaders gather to...
United Methodists Confront Possible Split Over LGBT Issues
NEW YORK (AP) – The United Methodist Church’s top legislative assembly convenes Sunday for a high-stakes, three-day...
United Methodist Church bracing for fallout over vote on LGBT pastors, weddings
GAINESVILLE TIMES — An upcoming vote addressing sexual orientation is threatening to splinter the United Methodist...
United Methodist Church Gearing Up For Full and Official Affirmation of LGBTQ
February 23 marks the date for a special session of the General Assembly of the United Methodist Church, a gathering...
First Openly Lesbian Bishop in United Methodist Church Conducts Services in Salt Lake City
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4 News) — The First Openly Lesbian Bishop in the United Methodist Church conducted services...
The Methodist Church Officially Deems Terms Like “Husband” and “Wife” Offensive
The Methodists have been embroiled in scandal over sexuality for several years. In the United States, the Methodist...
Methodist Church Elects Second Openly Gay Bishop and Asks Conservative Leaders to Step Down
In 2019, the United Methodists narrowly voted in favor of holding to a biblical sexual ethic and disallowed LGBTQ...
Liberal Methodist Worship Band Rewrites Popular Hymn to Worship “Mother Earth”
In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, churches have been acting crazy, throwing temper...
Methodist Church Sings “Good, Good Mother” to God as a Worship Song for Mother’s Day
There is no end to the amount of blasphemy that comes from these counterfeit churches. The United Methodist Church,...
Methodist Church Replaces Stained Glass of Founding Fathers With Lesbian Bishop
(TheBL) -- A Methodist church in Boise, Idaho, has sparked controversy by replacing a vast stained glass window that...
Methodist Pastor Fired After Performing Drag Show on HBO, Sadly, Many Supported Him
In the wake of an appearance on the HBO drag show, We're Here, the Rev. Craig Duke was relieved of his duties as...

I Bet You Didn’t Know the Federal Government Has Been Funding Revoice, the “Gay Christian” Ministry
I previously wrote to you demonstrating how the Democrat-backed federal government has been laundering money through USAID and other taxpayer-funded slush funds, funneling it into the hands of anti-American, anti-conservative faux Christian ministries like The After...

Remember the “Vaccine Redeems an Abortion” Guy? His Curriculum Was Funded by USAID Too
I hesitate to continue writing about Donald Trump, as I want to be clear that I do not view him as any kind of messianic figure, savior of the nation, or a “Christian” hero. He is not—he is simply the result of a nation that is, if nothing but for a momentary reprieve...

Opinion: If You Really Want to Help Refugees, Kick Them Out of Our Nation
There’s a cabal of evangelical leftists parading around as champions of compassion—valiant knights charging into battle against the cold-hearted, unfeeling forces that dare to suggest a sovereign nation not only has the right but the duty to control its own borders....

Satan Casts Out Satan, and Bethel Church Casts Out Shawn Bolz
It was only a matter of time before Bethel Church, the grand cathedral of charismatic charlatanry, decided to throw one of its own to the wolves. And who better than Shawn Bolz—a man whose entire career has been built on the kind of “prophecy” that conveniently aligns...
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