The Dissenter has published information before about Rachel Gilson, who says she is attracted to other...
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Results for "southeastern seminary"
Southeastern Seminary Graduates Feminist With Pastoral Ministry Degree
The Southern Baptist Convention is a lost cause—I am fully convinced that it is irreversible, at this point. It would...
Southeastern Seminary Now Requiring Faculty to be Vaccinated or Submit to Regular Testing/Masking
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS), which is presided over by the ever-woke, Danny Akin, has now...
Southeastern Seminary Professor Puts Foot in Her Mouth After Exposing Unwillingness to Vote Republican
Karen Swallow Prior, a professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and former professor at Liberty...
Another Alumni Exposes Critical Race Theory at Danny Akin’s Southeastern Seminary
Scott Crawford, a recent graduate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, published a video earlier this year...
Donald Trump’s Lawyer Rebukes Southeastern Seminary Professor For Being a Liberal
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS), increasingly one of the most liberal seminaries in the Evangelical...
Al Mohler Rips “Ethnic Studies” in Public Schools While Danny Akin Implements it At Southeastern Seminary
This stuff simply can't be made up. The level of incognizance that plagues Al Mohler as he continues his diversion...
Southeastern Seminary President, Danny Akin, Says Beth Moore Tweet “Stupid”
Beth Moore has single-handedly taken on the role of turning the Southern Baptist Convention from a decidedly...
Bruce Ashford and Southeastern Seminary Opening the Door to Leftist Politics
Southeastern Seminary's Slide into Progressivism Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) is one of the...
Wheaton Professor Teaches Class on Environmental Justice at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
The buzzwords 'stewardship', 'sustainability', and 'creation care' are ringing out from pulpits across the nation. At...
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Professor Says We Lose Our Souls If We Vote for Unsaved Political Candidates
Karen Swallow Prior is a college professor who for 21 years taught English at Liberty University — a Christian school...
SBTS Trustee Says There Was “Wife-Swapping” Going on at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in the ’80s
Conservative Southern Baptist pastor and trustee of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Tom Rush, says that when he...
More Proof Critical Race Theory Being Taught at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Danny Akin, the president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) — one of the most prestigious Southern...
Farewell Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
I remember speaking to a good friend back in 2014 about what appeared to be a progressive movement that seemed to be...
Southern Baptist Seminary Professor Still Endorses Ministry That Platforms Open Homosexuals
Preston Sprinkle is the founder of the Center for Faith, Sexuality, & Gender, a ministry dedicated to advocating...
Hickory Dickory Dockery: Meet Southwestern Seminary’s New Ecumenical President
You may be aware by now of the scandal surrounding former Southwestern Seminary president, Adam Greenway and his...
Southern Baptist Seminary Professor Likes Leftist Tweet Calling for Ban on “Assault Weapons”
The Southern Baptist Convention is woke. And because of that, Southern Baptist seminaries are even woker. Sadly, our...
Southern Baptist Seminary Professor Says Overturning Roe v. Wade Wasn’t Worth Having Donald Trump as President
You can't say you are pro-life ideologically but be unwilling to do what it takes to curb the slaughter of millions of...
Former SBC Pres, Fred Luter, Claims Three Seminary Presidents Apologized for Signing Statement Against CRT
In 2020, the Southern Baptist Council of Seminary Presidents made headlines after coming together to sign a statement...
Southern Baptist Pastor Defends SBC Seminary Professors Who Are Sympathetic to Heretic, James Cone
James Cone is largely regarded as the father of the heresy known as Black Liberation Theology in America. While his...

I Bet You Didn’t Know the Federal Government Has Been Funding Revoice, the “Gay Christian” Ministry
I previously wrote to you demonstrating how the Democrat-backed federal government has been laundering money through USAID and other taxpayer-funded slush funds, funneling it into the hands of anti-American, anti-conservative faux Christian ministries like The After...

Remember the “Vaccine Redeems an Abortion” Guy? His Curriculum Was Funded by USAID Too
I hesitate to continue writing about Donald Trump, as I want to be clear that I do not view him as any kind of messianic figure, savior of the nation, or a “Christian” hero. He is not—he is simply the result of a nation that is, if nothing but for a momentary reprieve...

Opinion: If You Really Want to Help Refugees, Kick Them Out of Our Nation
There’s a cabal of evangelical leftists parading around as champions of compassion—valiant knights charging into battle against the cold-hearted, unfeeling forces that dare to suggest a sovereign nation not only has the right but the duty to control its own borders....

Satan Casts Out Satan, and Bethel Church Casts Out Shawn Bolz
It was only a matter of time before Bethel Church, the grand cathedral of charismatic charlatanry, decided to throw one of its own to the wolves. And who better than Shawn Bolz—a man whose entire career has been built on the kind of “prophecy” that conveniently aligns...
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