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Chick-fil-A Completely Booted From UK Amid LGBTQ Protests, Last Door Definitively Closed

by | Apr 7, 2020 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Social-Issues, World | 0 comments

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Chick-fil-A has been at the center of controversy in the UK since it opened it’s doors there amid pro-sodomy groups whining and complaining that the fast-food chain donated to Christian charities.

LGBTQ Nation, a pro-gay sodomite network reported that the “last Chick-fil-A restaurant in the U.K. definitively closed its doors this past month.” The homosexuals couldn’t be happier since acting out their rebellion to their creator unhindered is their end goal. Chick-fil-A, which is only nominally Christian anyways, represents a hindrance to their shameful lifestyle.

According to the report, Chick-fil-A opened a store last year in Reading, England in a shopping center owned and operated by Oracle. After massive protests by gay activists, the shopping center decided not to renew the six-month lease which led to the doors being shuttered on March 20, according to the report.

In recent years, Chick-fil-A has actually moved much further to the left than in previous years which has caused concern among Christian advocacy groups who support the fast-food chain. While sodomites are complaining about Chick-fil-A’s donations to “anti-gay” charities, Christians are complaining that the group is actually donating to pro-gay charities — including charities such as Covenant House that participates in gay pride parades.

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It’s unclear exactly what the complaint is among sodomite groups who hate the fast-food company. It isn’t as though homosexuals are being barred from or discriminated against being served food. The company has not acted in any manner that would suggest homosexuals are not welcome to be served so long as they have the funds to pay for their meal and there is no evidence that food served to homosexuals is tainted or laced with any kind of gay reparative therapy. The entire ordeal is confusing.

Nonetheless, sodomites across the island are cheering as the last door of Chick-fil-A is closed.

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