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Baptist Preacher, Steven Anderson Banned From Australia

by | Jul 22, 2019 | News | 0 comments

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If you’re unfamiliar with Steven Anderson, you’re not missing out on much. But if you are familiar with him, you know him as the fundamentalist Baptist “shock preacher” who raises eyebrows pretty much everywhere he goes. He’s known for his verbally violent outbursts against many of the things he stands against, ranging from Calvinism to homosexuality.

Not too long ago, Anderson’s bank account was frozen by Bank of America, blaming it on homosexual activists. Anderson seemed as though he was pleased by the shooting in Orlando a few years ago at a gay night club and ranted against Jeff Durbin of Apologia Church calling him gay because he was wearing a thumb ring.

As though he wears his bans like a badge of honor, Anderson now claims that Australia is the 33rd country to ban him from entering because of his anti-LGBTQ activism.


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