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Thabiti Anyabwile Sides With Pro-Abortion Democrats on Slave Reparations

by | May 31, 2019 | Blog, News, Politics | 0 comments

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Thabiti Anyabwile is a socialist Democrat Southern Baptist pastor and outspoken advocate for Critical Race Theory co-opting the Church and hijacking the gospel to advance a social justice agenda. Anyabwile, who was mentored under Mark Dever at 9 Marks, has in recent years — especially recent months — totally abandoned the gospel in favor of this movement. Anyabwile has revealed that he is prepared to fight for certain leftist and progressive policies at all costs — even if it means siding with the most godless anti-Christian rebels ou there.

Anyabwile recently gave a speech at Southeastern Seminary where he asserted that one cannot be pro-life unless they’re in favor of Democrat-socialist wealth redistribution — particularly, reparations for descendants of American slaves. It’s no secret that these change agents have been trying to hijack the pro-life movement to instill this ideology into people for a number of years. However, the efforts to do so have ramped up to unprecedented levels.

Anyabwile, who is staunchly in favor of slave reparations — essentially, for white people to make monetary payments to black people with no strings attached — recently affirmed support for pro-abortion Democrats, like Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren to advance this cause. Overlooking the fact that the welfare system — government sanctioned wealth redistribution which largely benefits underprivileged blacks — does not and has never worked. It has only served to further enslave, making people more dependant on the state rather than freeing people from the bondage of dependence.

Anyabwile tweeted the following,

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Anyabwile, who claims Christianity, says that he found “compelling arguments” for reparations in this radio podcast. Interestingly, but unsurprisingly, there is not a single biblical argument made. It’s all secular hogwash based on secular, Democratic politics. The description of the podcast reads,

Reparations for African-Americans has been a hot topic on the presidential campaign trail, with Democratic candidates including Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren coming out in favor of compensation for unpaid African-American labor.

But the debate around reparations is nothing new. In fact, it goes back centuries.

On this episode, Nathan, Ed and Brian explore the complicated – and often contentious – history of reparations, from the first mass reparations movement led by Callie House, an ex-slave, to a unique moment when African-Americans in Florida received compensation for the destruction of their community.

You can listen to it for yourself, here.

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