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Academic Study Shows Racism Has DECLINED Under Trump

by | May 21, 2019 | News, Politics | 0 comments

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An academic study shows that racism has decreased during President Trump’s time in office, reports Spectator USA.

NEWSPUNCH — Daniel J. Hopkins and Samantha Washington, two University of Pennsylvania sociologists, ran a study measuring the racial attitudes of 2,500 randomly selected Americans since 2008.

Breitbart.com reports: In their most recent report, the academics admit they expected to see an increase in racist opinions among the group, stating, “Normalization of prejudice or opinion leadership both lead us to expect that expressed prejudice may have increased in this period, especially among Republicans or Trump supporters.”


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What they found is a decrease in racism under Trump:

Americans, claim Hopkins and Washington, have actually become less inclined to express racist opinions since Donald Trump was elected. Anti-black prejudice, they found, declined by a statistically-insignificant degree between 2012 and 2016, when Trump was elected. But then after 2016 it took a sharp dive that was statistically significant. Moreover, contrary to their expectations, the fall was as evident among Republican voters as it was among Democrats. There was also a general fall in anti-Hispanic prejudice, too, although this was more evident among Democrat voters.

As you can guess by their preconceived notions about which way the study would go and the absurd belief there has been a “normalization of prejudice” under Trump, the two sociologists conducting the study are not running around in Make America Great Again hats. But the obvious difference between racial attitudes under Trump and under Obama is that Trump is nowhere near as racially divisive as Barry was.

The only way the media have been able to smear Trump as a racist is through lies and deliberate misquotes. The Charlottesville Hoax is a perfect example, as is Jake Tapper’s serial lie about Trump mocking a reporter’s disability, as is Jim Acosta’s latest lie about Trump smearing all migrants…


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