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Reformed Black Leader on Reparations: Money is Going to Have to Be Part of This Equation

by | Feb 18, 2019 | Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Jemar Tisby is the president of the Black Reformed ministry and website, The Witness and a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary. Tisby recently authored a book, The Color of Compromise, which attempts to impute the guilt of racism to all white people by the virtue of their skin color and issued a call for reparations to blacks based on this imputed guilt.

Tisby, one of the prominent leaders of the “woke church” movement was recently interviewed on the content of his book, where he doubled down on his call for reparations, stating that “money is going to have to be a part of this equation.”

Further, he insisted that white people could participate in reparations not only by “writing checks to random black people,” but also by supporting his ministry. “When you write, or podcast, or video for black people, it[sic] not a lot of money in it,” he says, “we need six-seven figures up in this mug.”

Reparations, to Jemar Tisby, is far more than an act of mercy to help a group of Christian brothers and sisters get on their feet. Tisby, the author of several books and a former professor at a prestigious seminary, has far more wealth than the average white person. This is about retribution for their past sins and even ancestral sins. Last week, Tisby announced that white people “must atone” for the sins of racism by becoming a socialist.

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