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Steve Lawson’s One Passion Ministry Releases Statement Confirming Disqualifying Sin

by | Sep 20, 2024 | News

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Yesterday, Trinity Bible Church of Dallas announced that lead pastor Steven J. Lawson had been removed from ministry due to an inappropriate relationship. Today, OnePassion Ministries released a statement confirming Lawson’s confession and resignation from his roles, adding that all his scheduled events have been canceled. The statement expressed sorrow for the impact on Lawson’s family, the church, and the ministry.

The statement reads:

The board of OnePassion Ministries mournfully announces that just recently Steven J. Lawson confessed to the board that he has had an inappropriate relationship with a woman, a sin that has disqualified him from ministry. In response Steve has resigned from all his duties at OnePassion Ministries.

All scheduled events and engagements have been cancelled.

Steve has confessed and regrets the damage he has caused to his family, the church, the reputation of OnePassion Ministries and most of all Jesus Christ.

We are saddened for the glory of Christ in this matter. The truth of the gospel will continue go out to the lost world as it is empowered by the Holy Spirit and not by men. It is a reminder that we have been warned of the craftiness of the enemy.

“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8).”

Please continue to pray for everyone involved, asking for repentance, healing, and God’s guidance during this difficult time.

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