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BioLogos: The Deceptive Agenda to Undermine Biblical Truth with Evolutionary Mythology

by | Jul 3, 2024 | Apostasy, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church

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This morning, I ran across an article by Gregory Adaka on BioLogos that claims you can reconcile faith in the living God with the religion of evolution—an increasingly popular claim in Christendom, yet a claim that is as absurd as it is dangerous.

BioLogos, a nefarious organization masquerading as a bridge between faith and science, is dedicated to undermining the authority of Scripture by promoting such horrors as “theistic evolution.” Adaka’s article is a prime example of this deception, attempting to blend the clear, unchanging Word of God with the ever-evolving fancies of human speculation.

Adaka begins by reminiscing about his secular upbringing in the UK, his eventual move to Nigeria, and his fluctuating relationship with Christianity. He claims, “It wasn’t until my first year of residency as a medical doctor that I rediscovered my Faith for good.” But let’s be clear—this rediscovery is not the faith of the Bible. It’s a half-hearted submission to the doctrines of fallible, ever-changing scientific consensus.

To be completely clear, true faith is grounded in the infallible, unchanging revelation of God, not in the transient theories of men. Sadly, Adaka’s version of faith is one that submits the authority of Scripture to the creeds of science, a move that fundamentally undermines the Christian faith.

Adaka recounts an encounter with a fellow medical resident, describing how a conversation about evolutionary creationism “changed everything.” He writes, “I realized that there was room for God in our evolutionary origin story.”

This statement reveals a grave misunderstanding of both the Bible and evolutionary theory. The only way to make room for evolution in the biblical creation story is to discard or distort key parts of Scripture. The Bible is clear that death entered the world through Adam’s sin and that this death necessitated the redemptive work of Christ. Evolution, with its narrative of millions of years of death and suffering before human sin, directly contradicts this foundational Christian doctrine. If death existed before sin, the entire gospel message collapses.

Further, Adaka’s grand adulation for Francis Collins throughout his article is troubling. Collins, despite his claims of being a Christian, has shown through his deeds and affiliations that he is compromised. He supports the LGBTQ pride movement, funds unethical research on aborted fetuses, and engages in various morally questionable activities through his former position at the NIH.

Collins’ connections with other compromised Evangelicals like Russell Moore, David French, and Ed Stetzer only further illustrate his departure from convictional Christianity. Collins and his ilk represent a segment of the evangelical community that has been thoroughly infiltrated by secular ideologies.

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One of the most absurd claims Adaka makes is his comparison of embryology to evolution. He writes, “God used the incredibly complex process of embryology to form us all in our mother’s wombs. It’s completely compatible with our Christian beliefs. Similarly, God used evolution to bring about all life.”

This comparison is not only foolish but patently false. The process of embryology is observable and aligns with biblical descriptions of God knitting us together in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). Evolution, however, is a speculative myth with no observable evidence of one kind of creature “evolving” into another. It is a theory that stands in direct opposition to the clear teaching of Scripture that God created distinct kinds of creatures.

The embrace of evolution fundamentally undermines several major Christian doctrines. The doctrine of God is compromised by portraying Him as a deity who uses death and suffering as tools of creation. The doctrine of man is distorted by suggesting humans are merely advanced animals rather than unique image-bearers of God. The doctrine of the fall is eradicated, as evolution implies death and suffering existed before human sin. The doctrine of redemption is nullified because if death is not the penalty for sin, Christ’s atoning sacrifice becomes meaningless.

And of course, doctrines like the federal headship of Adam and Christ, a critical element in understanding original sin and salvation, are completely undermined by evolutionary theory.

BioLogos, along with its figureheads like the late Tim Keller and Francis Collins, is actively working to erode the foundation of Christianity. They promote a version of faith that is palatable to the secular world but utterly devoid of the power of the gospel. These so-called Evangelical leaders are nothing more than wolves in sheep’s clothing, spreading false teachings that lead people away from God. And “theistic evolution” is a Trojan horse designed to replace the authority of Scripture with the ever-shifting doctrines of secularism.

The church must stand firm against these vain philosophies and doctrines of demons, rejecting the traditions and myths of men and holding fast to the unchanging truth of God’s Word. Evolution, no matter how it’s painted, is not compatible with the Bible, and those who claim otherwise are blind guides leading the blind. The only way to remain faithful is to submit wholly to the Scriptures, recognizing them as the ultimate authority on all matters of faith and life.

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