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“Non-Binary” School Teacher Says She Gets “Gender Euphoria” When Students Refer to Her With Male Language

by | Dec 14, 2023 | Cult, LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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I’m not sure how much more I can stress that if you’re still sending your children to public schools, you’re neglecting your children’s well-being. Your child’s school may appear to be safe from the indoctrination that other schools are facing, but even if that’s true, it won’t be for long. These people, dressed in the religious garb of aberrant sexual fetishes, have made it abundantly clear that their goal is to infiltrate every school in every city, town, and rural county, and take your children from you.

And they mean business. These people are not safe. These militant homosexuals and perverts, even if they appear to be nice on the outside, are teaching your children to be affirming of them, celebrate them, and ultimately, to be just like them. And they will not stop until they have reached their goal. You cannot send your children to be influenced in any way by these people.

These religious militants play be a set of rules that are proven to change the way people think about them. They put on a sweet, happy face, talk in sweet, happy, tones, and set themselves up as victims of “hate” and “ridicule” all because of their “innocent” and “unchosen” sexual desires. Bull-o-nee! These people are not victims of anything. They are trojan horses and your children will be easily swayed by their deceitful tactics. Every once in a while, they out themselves. Ask yourself: is this really worth the risk?

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