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Benny Hinn Tells Audience He Forced His Son-in-law to Co-Habitate With Daughter Before Marriage

by | Oct 23, 2023 | Apostasy, heresy, News, Religion, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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Last month at his Pastors Conference, rank heretic and televangelist Benny Hinn stood before the audience with his son-in-law and made a staggering confession. He said that he told his son-in-law that he would not be able to marry his daughter until they co-habitated for a while first and everyone got to know each other.

Standing with his son-in-law next to him, he said “And before he [son-in-law] was married to my daughter, he lived with us for how long? A year and a half, two years. Because I said, listen, you will not marry my girl till I get to know you. So you’re going to live with us.”

He then said that during the co-habitating period, they traveled a lot together and that he saw a “miraculous change” in his daughter, who had apparently had issues with running with the wrong crowd during her teenage years in Orlando.

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