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D.C. Public Library Decks Out Library in Trans-Pride Gear to Protest Kirk Cameron’s Children’s Story Time

by | Apr 3, 2023 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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According to the Washington Times, the D.C. Public Library system set up LGBT rainbow flags and displayed dozens of LGBTQ-themed books for children and youth, including pro-transgender titles, in a deliberate rebuttal to actor Kirk Cameron’s recent visit to read his Christian-themed children’s book. Cameron had arrived at the Cleveland Park Public Library in Northwest Washington to find the library decked out with these flags and displays ahead of his Wednesday reading, which was part of his national library tour aimed at offering a conservative alternative to drag queen story hours.

In response, the library system released a statement explaining that they had created the displays to correct any misinterpretation of their core value of welcoming everyone, which was prompted by public feedback on Twitter, emails, and phone calls. Although critics on the left blasted the library system for hosting Cameron and the other authors, the library had little choice since publisher Brave Books reserved a public room open to all.

Despite the backlash, Cameron remained upbeat and held his reading, along with other conservative personalities, including former White House press secretary Sean Spicer and Brave Books CEO and founder Trent Talbot. The event had a great turnout of families, according to Cameron, who described the other books being read, including one about fostering trust between parents and children and countering school systems that use a transgender student’s preferred name and pronouns.

Cameron also held a reading at Bryant Park in front of the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, also known as the 42nd Street Library, in New York on Friday.

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The Cleveland Park Library in Washington, D.C., put up rainbow flags and a display of pro-transgender books for youth ahead of actor Kirk Cameron’s reading of his children’s book on March 29, 2023. Photo by Elizabeth Troutman courtesy the Daily Signal.

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