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Jackie Hill Perry: The Bible Never Even Implies That God Wants You to be Straight

by | Mar 3, 2023 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Theology, Video | 0 comments

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We’ve been publishing a series of exposes on Preston Sprinkle and his pro-LGBTQ “ministry” that teaches people that you can have deeply-held desires to have sex with someone of the same sex, and you can even embrace your unnatural desires and live them out in various ways, including marriage-like arrangements with people of the same sex, so long as you stop short of engaging in the actual act of sex.

Sprinkle and his ministry are barely a step above the Andy Stanley’s pro-homosexual ministry throughout his network of churches which actually teaches that homosexual intercourse is perfectly fine. Yet, Sprinkle, though he at least will say that the actual act of intercourse is forbidden, still teaches that everything else associated with homosexuality, including the identity, the desire, and the flaunting of your sexuality, to be perfectly normal, natural, and acceptable.

In another promo video that we discovered for an LGBTQ curriculum that Preston Sprinkle is selling on his website, Jackie Hill Perry is arguing that nowhere at all in the 66 books of the Bible does God ever even imply that He wants you to be straight. Yes, you read that right, the Bible, according to Jackie Hill Perry, is that “God wants you for Himself.”

Of course, the Bible actually does clearly articulate that God wants us to be straight, He created humans as male and female, with complementary characteristics that were intended to come together in heterosexual marriage and procreation. Genesis 1:27 states that God created man and woman in his image, distinct yet complementary, and intended for them to come together in marriage and procreation. Any deviation from this norm or attempt to alter or undermine this fundamental aspect of human nature goes against God’s design, including homosexual identity, desires, or behavior, and is explicitly condemned as sinful and unnatural.

It’s not just the Old Testament either, but all through the Scriptures we see passages that condemn homosexuality as sinful or unnatural. Leviticus 18:22 explicitly states that “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.” Similarly, in Romans 1:26-27, the apostle Paul describes same-sex relations as a result of human sinfulness, calling it an “unnatural” act. These passages make it clear that any form of homosexual behavior is contrary to God’s will.

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But it isn’t just the act that is condemned—it is the desire itself. The Bible does draw a distinction between the desire itself and the act, and the Bible condemns both as sinful. Romans 1:26 speaks of God giving people up to their desires, which Paul refers to as “dishonorable passions” in the ESV and “vile affections” in the KJV. Those desires, any way you look at it, are unnatural and sinful, therefore, God “gives them up” to these sinful desires and they begin to carry out “shameless acts.”

For those who argue that Jesus never speaks of Homosexuality, clearly, they’ve never read the Bible. Jesus himself reinforces the importance of heterosexual marriage in the Gospels. In Matthew 19:4-6, Jesus cites the creation account in Genesis to argue that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. He states that “what God has joined together, let man not separate” underscoring the fact that God Himself actually does call man and woman to unite and to cling together as heterosexuals.

This foolishness that continues to try to downplay the sinfulness of homosexual desires is a foolishness that needs to be purged from the Church. It’s not to say that one can never struggle with a desire, but to embrace that desire rather than acknowledge it as sin and repent of it, is a false teaching that should be rejected.

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