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Black Pastor Preaches that All White People Call Them Names that “Rhyme With Trigger”

by | Feb 2, 2023 | Apostasy, News, Racialism, Religion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Rev. Terry K. Anderson of Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church, one of the most affluent and largest megachurches in Houston, recently preached a sermon suggesting that black people leave their workplaces if they work for white people because all white people have a name for them that “rhymes with trigger.”

The message was preached in response to the beating of Tyre Nichols, a black man who later died in the hospital from the wounds inflicted upon him by five black police officers in Memphis.

As is typically the case with these foolish racists, every blight within the black community is always tied back to their phantasm of “white supremacy.”

“But you know what white people call all of us? It rhymes with “trigger.” Don’t you think cuz you in that office, you one of them? Have I got a witness here? Don’t you think as your name is on the desk or on the door that they’re going to treat you any different? Anytime they get a chance, they’re going to bring you down. That’s why you better come back over here and meet us. You better come meet us who know that all my help comes from the Lord.

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