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Bethel Student Says Jesus Told Her to Forgive Unconscious Man’s Sins and He Will be Saved

by | Jan 5, 2023 | Apostasy, Cult, heresy, News, Religion, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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This video is absolutely unbelievable as it depicts a girl spewing heretical nonsense about forgiving the sins of one of her patients. This disgraceful display took place at the 2008 graduation for the students of Bethel School of Ministry. Is this the kind of blasphemy they’re promoting to their students?

In the video, she says:

I was taking care of a man who was unconscious and he was dying, and I had no way of communicating with him. I didn’t know if he was saved, I didn’t know anything about him really. And I was in the room, and his heart rate just started to drop really fast. And I was just like “Jesus, I don’t even know if he knows you. Like what do I do in this situation?” And I just heard him say “If you forgive his sins, he’ll be forgiven.”

Needless to say, this act of sacrilege is nothing short of abhorrent—yet, it received what sounded like a standing ovation from the crowd. It is a slap in the face to all believers and an affront to the very foundations of our faith.

For someone to make such a claim is particularly outrageous as anyone who knows God is fully aware of the fact that only God has the power to forgive sins. Yet, in a moment of breathtaking hubris, she has chosen to ignore this fundamental truth and assert her own authority over the divine. This is almost as bad as the time a Bethel pastor said that Jesus asked him for forgiveness.

This kind of presumptuous behavior is not only deeply offensive, but it is also dangerous. It undermines the very principles that our faith is built upon and sows confusion and doubt among believers. It is imperative that this individual be held accountable for her actions and that she be firmly reprimanded for her blasphemy.

No one, regardless of their station or status, has the right to claim the power of God. It is a grave offense to do so and those who engage in such behavior must be strongly condemned. The fact that a Bethel School of Ministry student would dare to commit such an act is a testament to the depths of human hubris and a stark reminder of the dangers of straying from the path of righteousness.

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