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Wizard of Oz Remake to Include LGBTQ Propaganda According to Interview With Director

by | Sep 26, 2022 | Cult, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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“Everything that you assumed or thought was normal in the world, or everything you thought was true about your tradition, your denomination, your own family, I’m going to pull the veil back, and what looked like this beautiful narrative of faithfulness and orthodoxy, and of truth and righteousness and justice, I’m going to peel that back and I’m going to show you the rotting corpse of white supremacy that’s underneath the surface.”

Those were the words of Matthew Hall, the former provost of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary as he sat around with a group of woke social justice activists while decrying the normalcy of civilized behavior in our nation. Under the umbrella of these off-the-cuff comments would be such “family values” as the nuclear family, heterosexuality, law and order, individual responsibility, and just civilized behavior period.

But what Matthew Hall didn’t realize, (or did he?), is that what he decried as the “rotting corpse of white supremacy” was really nothing but a pejorative used to slander conservatives and propagandize people into embracing leftist ideology. And what we have today is the secularized version of Hall’s ideology playing itself in every facet of society—not just the Church.

This is why all of the popular kid’s cartoons from Disney to Peppa Pig are being transformed into indoctrination programs designed to turn a child’s natural aversion to abnormal sexual behavior into favorable admiration. Parents are taking their children to drag queen shows everywhere. It’s not even considered unusual anymore, let alone repulsive, as it should be.

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But all those things you enjoyed as a kid during your own childhood, things that you wanted to share with your children, in the words of Matthew Hall, the veil is being peeled back and something is being revealed.

The latest string of traditional childhood pleasures is now being corrupted by a man named Kenya Barris. Barris has been selected to be the director of the upcoming remake of the childhood favorite, The Wizard of Oz. And according to an interview with Variety, Barris is hell-bent on turning it into another cesspool of sodomy and LGBTQ propaganda.

From the Variety interview:

Somewhere over the rainbow, indeed! Kenya Barris tells me that LGBTQ representation will be featured in his “Wizard of Oz” remake. “The original was an allegory and a reflection of the way the world was at the time with things like the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl,” says Barris, who will write and direct the reimagining for Warner Bros. “Now we’re going to turn a mirror on where we’re at right now and take disparate characters from the LGBTQ community, from different cultural communities and socioeconomic communities, and tell a story that reflects the world. I think this is the best time to do that.”

One commenter on the article stated that “The LGBTQXYZ123 character will be the Straw Man looking for a brain!” While that’s clever, the sad part is that there will be more people who celebrate this than don’t. This is really just sad and we can expect it to only get worse.

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