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Lady “Pastor” Uses Story of Zaccheus to “Prove” That Jesus Saves Us When We Subsidize Birth Control, Welfare Programs

by | Jul 20, 2022 | Abortion, Apostasy, heresy, News, Politics, Racialism, Religion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, US, Video | 0 comments

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In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the world has no shortage of opinions coming from practically every mouthpiece in the nation, especially from the talking heads of the professing Church. It’s not unexpected that the liberal wing of modern Evangelicalism spouts off their pro-abortion nonsense. 

One pastor said that celebrating the Roe decision is demonstrative of America “going to hell” while another outright said that God is pro-choice—and even tried to contort Scripture into supporting that idiotic assertion. And yet, another said that if you celebrate the decision, you’re worthy of hellfire.

Now, another woke “pastor” from a Presbyterian (PCUSA) “church,” Terry Hamilton-Poore from First Presbyterian “Church” in Birmingham, AL, preached a message from the story of Zaccheus claiming that this was proof that Jesus wants us to subsidize birth control, transportation, and other publicly-funded welfare programs.

Disclaimer: forgive me, I keep referring to these people as “pastors” and these synagogues of Satan as “churches,” but I only do so as that is how they self-describe. It should always be implied that these terms have “scare quotes” around them so as not to confuse them with the real thing.

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And when Zaccheus, a wealthy tax collector, announced that he would repay anyone he cheated four times the amount, and give half of his possessions to the poor, Jesus declared that that day, salvation had come to him.

So how do we set our course in the direction that Jesus called for? The direction that leads to salvation. How do we ensure that women and families have the healthcare, the contraceptive resources, the childcare, the housing, the decent jobs, the equitable pay, the equal protection, the access to transportation, the good schools, all the things that make it possible for the child, and its parents to flourish.

HT/ @WokePreacherTV

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