9Marks, better known as 9Marx, is an Evangelical Marxist organization founded by Southern Baptist pastor, Mark Dever and its sole purpose is to convert Evangelicals into social justice activists and, primarily, Democrat voters.
9Marks is responsible for advancing the narrative that white cops are out to kill black kids and has even used the coronavirus to stoke the fires of racial division in the Church. And, repeatedly, 9Marks has attempted to make the case that voting for pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, anti-Christ Democrats is perfectly acceptable for Christians.
Mark Dever himself has stated that he doesn’t believe that Democrat-sanctioned abortion is as bad as Hitler’s Germany. The point is that they don’t actually care about abortion — they are mission-focused. Just like the Democrat party, they will do “whatever it takes” to accomplish their socialist agenda. This is why 9 Marks has admitted that identity politics is an ally and even teaches Sunday School classes on social justice, identity politics, and white privilege.
Now that we’ve unequivocally established that 9Marks is an Evangelical Marxist organization, let’s look at what one of its board members has been up to lately. In the wake of the leak of the forthcoming Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade, Evangelical leftists are up in arms complaining about Christians who support the total abolition of abortion without exception. Prominent Southern Baptist pastors like Dwight McKissic, former ERLC head, Russell Moore, Southeastern Seminary professor Karen Swallow Prior, and even Reformed seminary professors are all meandering about with their social justice talking points.
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And now, 9Marks board member, Matthew Martens, was seen on Twitter liking and agreeing with multiple posts calling on Evangelicals to support the killing of innocent children in the womb as punishment for the crimes and bad choices of their parents. Here are a few that were posted by Servants and Heralds: