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Video: Black Hebrew Israelites Debunked

by | Mar 9, 2018 | Blog | 0 comments

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If you spend any time evangelizing in the cities, you may have noticed a recent influx of people in a movement known as the Hebrew Israelites. Predominately black, the Hebrew Israelites hold that people of color (including some Latino and Native American) are the true descendants of Jacob and that the and that blacks, in particular, are the true Israelites from the tribe of Judah. The “white man” is the descendant of Esau, whom God hated. The religious sect is decidedly cultish in many ways and holds to many aberrant doctrines, including that Jesus was a western African black man and a denial of the Trinity. Often you will see them standing on street corners using vulgar language to condemn others for holding to what they believe to be false doctrines.

The following video is an excellent documentary that will help explain their beliefs and debunk their false teachings.


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