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Prominent SBC Pastor “Grateful” For Ministry That Promotes Man-to-Man Intimacy

by | Feb 17, 2021 | heresy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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The “woke church” movement has one goal — to destroy biblical Christianity and fidelity to any doctrinal standards. The “woke church” movement has no actual doctrinal standards and will stand with anyone so long as they affirm that white people are wicked and promote social justice.

Recently, a prominent and well-known Southern Baptist pastor — who is neck-deep in the woke church movement — joined with gay advocate, Preston Sprinkle, to, well, advance the woke church. Preston Sprinkle is a Master’s Seminary graduate. Preston Sprinkle is also an LGBT activist and supporter and one of the original advisory board members of the “gay Christian” ministry known as Revoice.

Revoice is a conference that promotes “gay Christianity” and has actually advocated for homosexual Christian relationships and for, of course, calls for an end to the “victimization” of homosexuals, to which they coined the term “sexual minorities.” Sprinkle himself refers to a sexually confused man who dresses, thinks, and acts like a woman, as “theologically conservative.” And his ministry co-founder, Nate Collins, advocates for gay couples — or even triples — living together in “celibate” “partnerships.”

That Southern Baptist pastor, Thabiti Anyabwile, says he’s “grateful” for Sprinkle’s ministry.

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Nevermind that Sprinkles has turned his back on the Scriptures to promote his own ungodly aberrant sexual doctrine. He’s even argued that Biblical hospitality actually causes Christians to desire multiple sex partners. And in an article entitled Sex, Gender, and Transgender Experiences: Part 4—Brain Sex TheorySkittles contends that men can have “female brains” and women can have “male brains.”

Of course, these themes are found nowhere in the Bible are actually contradictory to Genesis 5:2. But perverted concepts like these are important to uphold and defend when unrepentant sodomites need justification for their wicked desires and actions.

Even moderate Southern Baptist leaders, such as Al Mohler, have denounced the Revoice movement, albeit after the damage has been done, and many others have followed suit, though still clinging to slightly less atrocious but just as erroneous ministries such as Living Out.

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