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Beth Moore Says Voting Republican Causes You to Choose the Unborn Over the Born

by | Sep 24, 2020 | News, Politics, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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The new Evangelical progressive left, with its figureheads like Russell Moore, Tim Keller, Mark Dever, Thabiti Anyabwile, and, of course, Southern Baptist lady-preacher, Beth Moore, have been relentlessly trying to make the case that the two-party system in America causes people to have to choose between the born and the unborn.

Despite the fact that this notion is absurdly and patently false, these progressives have a political ambition to turn the church into a Democrat voting platform. The bottom line isn’t that they are actually opposed to the two-party system — they’re not. It’s that they are Democrats and want to turn Evangelicals, who overwhelmingly support the Republican party, away from the Republican party. They don’t need Evangelicals to vote Democrat in order for Democrats to gain the upper hand, they just need guilt them into not voting at all, or voting for a third party.

Beth Moore recently made this absurd assertion — that the two-party system causes us to choose between the born and the unborn.

But this assertion is stupid and to suggest that the Democrats care about the born while the Republicans only care about the unborn is false. The Democrats do not care about either — their version of justice is as perverted as Beth Moore’s gospel. They don’t want justice, they want to enslave people. They want to destroy religious freedom. They want to allow chaos and anarchy to continue in this world and allow criminals to roam the streets unabated by law enforcement. And we need not even go into the myriad other ways that the Democrat party is incompatible with Christianity.

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