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Appeals Court Rules Washington State Can Force Churches to Fund Abortions

by | Mar 12, 2025 | News

The state of Washington has just won a major legal battle forcing churches to subsidize the slaughter of unborn children. That’s not hyperbole—that’s exactly what happened.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Cedar Park Assembly of God, a church in Kirkland, Washington, in its challenge to the state’s Reproductive Parity Act, a law that mandates any employer-provided health insurance covering maternity care must also include abortion services.

In other words, if a church dares to celebrate life by offering maternity benefits, it must also fund the means to destroy that life.

Cedar Park Assembly of God sued, rightly arguing that the law forced them to violate their deeply held religious beliefs by financially supporting abortion. But the pagan court system dismissed the case on the basis that the church allegedly had alternative options—never mind the fact that these supposed alternatives were either inadequate or unaffordable.

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This ruling is yet another installment in the left’s relentless crusade to bulldoze religious liberty and coerce Christians into bowing before the altar of state-sanctioned secularism. The message is clear—your deeply held convictions mean nothing if they interfere with the progressive sacrament of abortion.

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), representing the church, condemned the decision as a direct assault on religious freedom. And they’re right. Rory Gray, senior counsel with ADF, called the ruling “shocking,” arguing that it forces a church to financially support abortion—something that directly contradicts everything biblical Christianity stands for.

Of course, this is precisely the point. The state of Washington, like so many leftist-run strongholds, isn’t interested in neutrality. It is interested in domination. Religious organizations aren’t just being sidelined, they are being systematically targeted and told to get in line with the culture of death. If they refuse, they will be steamrolled.

The ruling should set off alarms for every Christian in America. If the government can compel a church to fund abortion, what’s next? What other biblical convictions will be deemed “problematic” and legislated out of existence? If Washington state has its way, the answer is all of them. The sexual revolutionaries and their allies in government have made it abundantly clear that there is no room for dissent.

This case is far from over. Cedar Park Assembly of God and ADF are evaluating their legal options, including an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. But make no mistake, the battle isn’t just happening in Washington—it’s happening everywhere. This is a full-scale war on religious liberty, and Christians must wake up to what’s happening before it’s too late.

For now, Washington state has succeeded in forcing churches into moral compromise. But they should remember one thing, persecution only strengthens the resolve of those who refuse to bow to tyranny. The church has endured worse, and it will endure this too. The real question is, how many Christians will sit idly by while the state of Washington and its godless judiciary turn the screws on those who stand for life?

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