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Watch: College Girls Admit Abortion is Driving Force in Voting for Kamala Harris

by | Oct 21, 2024 | Abortion, News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, US, Video

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It’s disconcerting to think that so many young women would prioritize the “right” to murder their unborn children as the primary reason for supporting Kamala Harris. The fact that we’ve reached a point in this nation where children—innocent, defenseless lives—are nothing more than inconveniences that can be disposed of without a second thought speaks to the depth of the moral decay we are witnessing.

When the culture treats unborn children as nothing more than a “choice,” it’s no surprise that this mentality spreads, especially among young people on college campuses. They’ve been indoctrinated to believe that the pursuit of personal freedom trumps any responsibility toward others, even when that “other” is their own child. It’s a tragic reflection of a culture that values personal autonomy over life itself, where the murder of the unborn is not just tolerated but celebrated as an expression of empowerment.

What’s worse is that this disregard for life extends beyond just abortion—it’s indicative of a broader cultural sickness. We see it in the way relationships, family, and commitment are treated as disposable when they become inconvenient. Children, the most vulnerable among us, are the ones who suffer the most in this twisted moral framework. They are no longer seen as blessings, but as obstacles to personal freedom.

It’s a sad state indeed we’ve become so hardened and calloused that we celebrate what God clearly condemns. When the right to kill children is the foundation of a political platform and a rallying cry for voters, you know the culture has been given over to a debased mind. We can only hope that God will open our eyes to the horror of this reality before it’s too late.

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Watch: College Girls Admit Abortion is Driving Force in Voting for Kamala Harris

– Jeff

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