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America’s Days of Noah Are Here: Over 5700 American Children Mutilated in 4 Years

by | Oct 9, 2024 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church

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I honestly get tired of writing on this topic, but it’s such a pervasive evil in our world that it’s impossible to ignore. I read an article sent to me by one of my avid readers that sent chills down my spine. The article, published in the New York Post, revealed that over 5,700 American children—yes, children—have undergone gender-affirming body mutilations between 2019 and 2023. Irreversible, permanent body-altering operations like mastectomies and genital reassignment.

Children, who aren’t even old enough to make responsible decisions about basic aspects of life—they can’t vote, they can’t join the military, they can’t even go on a school field trip without parental consent—are being thrust into life-altering surgeries by an ideologically-driven medical system.

What’s even more terrifying is the fact that these children are being used as guinea pigs in what can only be described as a perverse and unholy sex experiment. The article revealed that a new database from the group Do No Harm has mapped out exactly where these surgeries are happening and, unsurprisingly, some of the nation’s most well-known hospitals are at the heart of this wickedness. In fact, the Children’s Hospital where my own daughter has had heart procedures performed has also performed several sex change operations on children.

It’s everywhere, and it’s scary.

Yet we should not be surprised. This is the direct fruit of a nation that has abandoned common sense and lost its moral compass—one that’s abandoned the wisdom of God for the foolishness of man. The Scriptures are very clear that the binary distinction between male and female is not arbitrary but foundational to God’s design. Yet, in rebellion against God, we now see a nation willing to amputate the sex organs of 5-year-olds in a futile attempt to erase that design.

The entire notion that minors, who can’t consent to vote or drive, should be given the authority to decide to butcher their own bodies is pure madness. Where is the church on this? Where are the pastors boldly standing up against this clear attack on the created order? And don’t get me wrong, I love the G3 ministry, but why aren’t they holding conferences to equip the church to face this inescapable evil in our world—one that threatens even the Church?

The ERLC holds conferences about “racism” and “white supremacy,” but can’t be bothered to hold a conference about facing the greatest evil according to Scripture to hit our planet since the days of Noah. Where are the Passion Youth Conferences that John Piper loves so much on this? Where is CRU?—busy holding conferences making all the white kids stand up and repeat prayers of repentance for being white.

Romans 1 speaks of a people who, “claiming to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:22). We are seeing this foolishness play out in real-time, and it’s the children who are paying the price. These children are not being “affirmed” in any meaningful sense—they’re being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness and adult sexual fetishes, all in the name of identity politics and gender ideology. It’s nothing less than child sexual abuse masquerading as medical care.

The Bible tells us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), and yet the world is doing everything it can to destroy those temples and calling it “compassion.” But make no mistake—there is nothing compassionate about this. This is the work of darkness, the same darkness that seeks to twist and distort every good thing God has made.

The people behind this and those who sympathize with it are as evil as Satan himself. And the Preston Sprinkles and Revoice movements and Andy Stanley’s North Point Church and all the queer-affirming movements out there pretending to be Christian “compassion” ministries—they’re evil, demonic, and unworthy of any benefit of the doubt. They are pure wickedness.

All of this is far more than just a cultural issue, this is a spiritual battle. And we must protect our children, the most vulnerable, from being consumed by this evil ideology. We must proclaim God’s word and bring it to bear against the conscience of this nation and remind the world that the God of Truth does not make mistakes. His creation is perfect in its design, and no amount of surgery, hormones, or medical manipulation will change that.

The world may continue to descend into madness, but the Word of God stands firm forever.

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