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Lausanne 2024 and the Evangelical Compromise on Same-Sex Attraction

by | Oct 1, 2024 | News, Opinion

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The Lausanne Movement, founded in 1974, presents itself as a global evangelical network aimed at fulfilling the Great Commission. However, it has since evolved into a platform for globalist ideologies, aligning closely with organizations like the World Economic Forum.

Prominent evangelical leaders within Lausanne, including false teachers such as Tim Keller, David Platt, and Rick Warren, push for social justice, wealth redistribution, and environmental activism. This movement subtly repackages Christianity to support a socialist agenda, undermining the true gospel in favor of worldly philosophies and a distorted social mission.

The Lausanne Movement not only aligns with these globalist ideologies but has also embraced the promotion of homosexuality within its agenda. While it claims to uphold traditional biblical teaching on sexual ethics, it simultaneously advances the normalization of “same-sex-attracted Christianity.”

The movement collaborates with sexuality ideologues like Mark Yarhouse and LGBTQ ally, Preston Sprinkle, who advocate for LGBTQ acceptance under the guise of “celibacy” and “faithful presence.” This push softens biblical teachings on sin, creating a foothold for LGBTQ activism within the church and further diverting the gospel’s true message.

In its 2024 Seoul Statement, which is being actively promoted by The Gospel Coalition and its contributors, Lausanne promotes the Revoice ideologies that are increasingly prominent within Evangelical circles, namely that homosexual desires are not sinful, therefore, churches are being “unloving” by not affirming them.

We recognise that a number of people, both within and outside the church, experience same-sex attraction, and that for some, this is the only or dominant attraction. The biblical insistence that Christians must resist temptation and so maintain sexual holiness, in both desire and behaviour, applies equally to heterosexually attracted individuals as it does to same-sex attracted persons. We acknowledge, however, that Christians who are same-sex attracted face challenges even in Christian communities. We repent of our lack of love towards our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ.

We urge Christian leaders and local churches to recognise within our communities the presence of believers who experience same-sex attraction, and to support them in their discipleship by pastoral care and by developing healthy communities of love and friendship.

Lausanne’s statement certainly appears to be a deliberate attempt to undermine the biblical view of sexuality. When did we start confusing love with the affirmation of sin? The Bible isn’t ambiguous here and it requires serious mental gymnastics to walk away after reading it with the conclusion that the desires that lead to same-sex acts are somehow not described as dishonorable. Yet, Lausanne glosses over this, urging churches to support these desires under the guise of “discipleship.” Discipleship without repentance? That’s not discipleship—it’s a road to Hell.

The notion that same-sex-attracted Christians face a “unique challenge” is basically just an attempt to gaslight Christians into believing they are at fault for the problems that plague homosexuals. It’s distraction. Is their struggle any different from anyone else’s battle against sin? No. The gospel demands every believer—without exception—to forsake not just sinful actions but also the sinful passions that fuel them.

Yet Lausanne paints a picture of a special category of struggle, framing biblical conviction as a supposed “lack of love.” It’s a bait-and-switch, offering emotional affirmation where spiritual discipline is called for.

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And here’s where they really lose the plot. Lausanne equates compassion with affirmation. The church’s role is not to coddle sin but to confront it—to call for repentance, not to hand out participation trophies for “noble” struggles.

True Christian love involves pointing sinners toward repentance and faith in Christ, not building a cozy retreat on the broad road. Lausanne’s refusal to draw a line between the sinner and the sin creates a breeding ground for dangerous, unchecked desires. How is that loving?

This is no mere misunderstanding here, Lausanne and its promoters have an agenda. By prioritizing emotional comfort over the gospel, Lausanne promotes a false gospel stripped of its power to save. In its wake, we’re left with a counterfeit Christianity that seeks to accommodate rather than convict.

Unfortunately, this movement is the driving force behind the vast majority of Evangelical churches today.

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