What’s wrong with you people? R.C. Sproul asked this stinging question with the kind of directness that our culture so desperately needs today. While Sproul’s question was rooted in a theological context, it has become an icon in Christian circles for wondering out loud: what in the world is going on? It is an apt expression for our broader society—a society that has lost its grip on reality, morality, and reason. So again, I ask: What’s wrong with you people?
Look around you—take a glance at the news. We live in a time where left-wing radicals attempt to assassinate a former president, not once, but twice now…that we know of. That’s not hyperbole—it’s reality. From Biden-Harris supporter and activist Ryan Routh’s recent plot to take out Donald Trump with an AK-47 to the left-wing transgender activists turning schools into shooting galleries, this is where we are.
The left claims to be the torchbearers of peace, justice, and tolerance—yet they are increasingly the ones picking up guns, plotting assassinations, and destroying lives.
What’s wrong with you people?

Let’s cut to the heart of the issue. Progressivism is a soul-sucking black hole—a spiritual vacuum. It offers nothing but godlessness, leaving those who follow it emotionally, mentally, and spiritually bankrupt.
They’ll tell you they’re about compassion, but what they’re really offering is a bottomless pit of moral relativism and empty platitudes. Scripture warns us of this. “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1). And look at the fools today—they stumble blindly, rejecting God, and then wonder why their lives are a chaotic mess of bitterness and rage.
Without God, what do you have left? A never-ending spiral of confusion, anxiety, and self-loathing. The left, steeped in godlessness, is like a ship without a rudder—tossed around by every wave of human emotion and impulse. No wonder they are radicalizing—they have nothing solid to stand on!
Their worldview offers no comfort, no hope, and no truth. They reject objective morality, so their solution is to dismantle every institution and custom that has made society functional. Yet somehow, in the twisted mental gymnastics they perform, they blame conservatives—Christians, no less—for the unraveling of everything.
What’s wrong with you people?
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And what have conservatives done while this ideological cancer spreads? Well, many have done nothing. We’ve sat quietly on the sidelines, allowing them to gaslight us, as if our silence would somehow keep the peace.
We thought if we just stayed out of the fray, maybe the storm would pass over us. Well, newsflash: The storm is here, and it’s not passing over. Our pacifism—our desire to “get along”—has allowed these far-left radicals to charge full steam ahead into cultural dominance.
They claim to want equality, but it’s a farce—they want control, and they’re getting it. And now, we’re paying the price for decades of silence. What’s wrong with you people?
This isn’t just a political war, it’s a spiritual battle. The Bible speaks clearly about what happens when nations forget God: “The wicked will return to Sheol, all the nations that forget God” (Psalm 9:17). We are seeing the fruit of this in real-time. When you abandon God’s law, chaos ensues.
And progressives are the embodiment of that chaos—whether it’s pushing sexual immorality in schools or lighting cities on fire in the name of “justice.” They don’t want justice. They want destruction, and the only way to stop them is to fight back with the truth.
The leftist ideology is a parasite, feasting on the decaying flesh of a once-God-fearing society. They claim to be for “progress,” but what kind of progress is it when society regresses into barbarism?
Is it progress to glorify violence?
Is it progress to redefine reality and force everyone to comply with your delusions?
Is it progress to raise a generation of children to hate their country and their very biology?
What’s wrong with you people?
And let’s talk about the hypocrisy. The left preaches tolerance, yet they are the most intolerant group you will ever encounter. If you dare to disagree with their narrative, you’re labeled a bigot, a racist, a fascist—take your pick.
It is they who are censoring speech, de-platforming dissenters (no pun intended), and weaponizing the legal system against anyone who won’t bow to their absurd ideology. They scream “fascism!” while using every tactic straight out of the fascist playbook. They say they’re about “democracy,” but every move they make is to consolidate power and silence opposition. What’s wrong with you people?
The hypocrisy is so blatant it would be laughable if not so horrific. They’ve made gender confusion their political platform—literally passing laws that allow men to compete in women’s sports, destroying decades of progress for women’s rights. They push for open borders in the name of “compassion” while leaving American citizens to deal with the chaos, crime, and economic fallout. They scream about “climate change” while jet-setting across the globe in private planes. What’s wrong with you people?
But the reality is that the left isn’t winning because their ideas are good. They’re winning because conservatives—particularly Christians—have been asleep at the wheel. We thought we could be neutral in this cultural war, but there is no neutrality. The left knows this. That’s why they are relentless in their pursuit of power. They’ve been playing the long game, and we’ve been sitting here, twiddling our thumbs, hoping it all just goes away.
Well, it’s not going away. And now they are picking up rifles and aiming them at conservatives. They are radicalizing not because we’ve pushed them, but because we’ve failed to stop them. We’ve failed to be the salt and light we were called to be, and now we’re watching society crumble under the weight of leftist insanity.
What’s wrong with you people?
We let them take our schools, our media, our culture. We handed it over to them, and now we’re shocked when they’ve taken it further than we ever imagined. But what did we expect? Give an inch, and they’ll take a mile—and then some.
We thought appeasement would work, but appeasement never works with people who don’t know the meaning of limits. The left doesn’t want compromise. They want submission.
What’s wrong with you people?
So, what now? Do we continue to cower? Do we continue to let them redefine reality and dismantle society one piece at a time? Or do we stand up—finally—and say enough is enough? The time for silence is over. The time for pacifism is over. If we don’t push back now, there won’t be anything left to fight for.
What’s wrong with you people?
Well, right now, everything. But nothing, as long as you wake up, stand up, and fight back—before it’s too late.