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Megachurch Pastor Praises Pro-Choice Politician, Kari Lake, Says God Told Him She Was in a “Deborah Season”

by | Jul 29, 2024 | Abortion, Apostasy, Feminism, News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, US, Video

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Comparing Kari Lake to Deborah is like comparing a fox to a shepherd—foolish and insulting.

In his latest sermon, Pastor Luke Barnett of Dream City Church showered Lake, a pro-choice Republican politician, with praise, likening her to the biblical prophet Deborah. “We are actually very honored and privileged to have an incredible guest with us this morning… We have Kari Lake in the house,” Barnett gushed.

But let’s cut to the chase, this isn’t just political pandering—it’s a theological parody of the biblical narrative. Barnett didn’t stop there. He claimed, as she stands up to thunderous applause, “the Lord put on my heart that you are in a Deborah season.”


Are we to believe that God equates a pro-choice advocate with a biblical judge who actually upheld God’s law?

This is not prophetic insight—it’s political sycophancy at its worst.

Remember, Kari Lake is on record supporting pro-choice positions. Did Barnett mention that? Is that what Barnett’s version of the “prophet Deborah” stood for? Turning a blind eye to the killing of innocent babies?

Earlier this year, Lake explained how she is “personally chose life,” but doesn’t believe that abortion should be banned and that every woman should be forced to make the same decision that she did.

These clowns need to stop calling themselves pro-life because the very definition of “pro-choice” is believing that people should be able to “choose” whether or not they kill their child.

Anyway, I digress. Barnett has the gall to say, “you are in a Deborah season… God blesses you and anoints you in this season.” This isn’t just stupid—it’s a slap in the face to anyone who holds biblical teachings sacred.

What’s next, Pastor Barnett? Shall we compare Jezebel to Esther? The folly would be laughable if it weren’t so offensive. This isn’t just a harmless analogy, it’s a dangerous precedent that distorts scripture for political gain.

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By equating Lake with Deborah, Barnett not only misleads his congregation but also undermines the integrity of the revealed word of God. Deborah was a prophetess and judge who led Israel with divine wisdom.

Lake, in contrast, while maybe “less evil” than her Democrat counterparts, still supports policies fundamentally opposed to a biblical worldview.

This is borderline, if not outright blasphemous.


Pastor opens worship service by praising Republican politician, Kari Lake, saying God told him that she was in a prophet Deborah season.

– Jeff

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