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RNC’s Opening Night: A Parade of Porn Stars, Sikhs, and LGBTQ Advocates

by | Jul 18, 2024 | Apostasy, News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, US, Video

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I get a little politically motivated around election season. I’m not obsessed with politics, but I am obsessed with the theology surrounding the movements of the day—and in this season that happens to just be politics. So I apologize if it seems like I’m focusing too much on it.

Remember when the Democratic National Committee (DNC) denounced God in their 2012 platform? Conservatives were rightly outraged, as the Democrats removed all references to God, replacing God with the hollow shell of secular humanism. This godless platform, with its tenets rooted in secularism, was a blatant rejection of the Christian ideals that built this nation.

Yet, in a twist of bitter irony, the Republican National Committee (RNC) now finds itself on a similar path of moral erosion, only a few years behind.

Back in 2012, conservatives stood in clear opposition to the DNC’s efforts to oust God from the nation. The removal of God from the Democratic platform was the culmination of a long descent into secularism. The outrage was tangible, and rightly so—how could a major political party not just turn its back on, but completely denounce in the most mocking way the God that created the world we live in?

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In reality, the DNC’s denunciation of God was the symptom, not the cause, of the platform’s moral standards. You can’t have God in a party that supports killing children and mutilating their bodies. It simply doesn’t work.

The Democrats’ embrace of secular humanism, with its inherent rejection of absolute moral standards, was a harbinger of the chaos and moral confusion we see in their policies today.

Fast forward to the present, and the RNC is rapidly following in those same footsteps. The Republican Party, once a much stronger defender of conservative values and moral clarity, is now adopting policy positions that eerily mirror the DNC’s platform from a decade ago. The RNC has softened its stance on every critical issue—like abortion and sexual immorality—diluting the clear moral positions that once defined it.

Last night, during the RNC convention, a Sikh was invited to the stage to offer a prayer to their false god, which she referred to as the “one true god.” No one flinched. No one gasped. No one cared. The has just become another “big tent” where anything goes. Yet, this was more than just the embrace of religious pluralism—it was a betrayal of the exclusive truth claims of Christianity that this nation was built upon.


Sikh prays to demon at RNC

– Jeff

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Even more shocking, a pro-abortion porn star was given a platform to speak—an act that would have been unthinkable for the RNC just a few years ago.

This change in the RNC’s platform signifies a profound shift in its priorities. In its desperation to appear inclusive and progressive, it has all but completely abandoned the moral high ground it once held.

It’s not just the personal failings of individual leaders that are at issue—though those are numerous and troubling—it’s the systematic erosion of the party’s policy positions. The Republican Party is morphing into a shadow of the DNC, embracing every false pagan religion and secular vice known to man.

So, what’s the point of having an RNC if it’s merely the caboose to the DNC train? As conservatives, we must ask ourselves if the Republican Party still stands for anything distinct or if it has simply become another vehicle for the same godless ideologies that dominate the left. The once-clear lines of moral and political distinction are blurring, leaving us to wonder if there’s any true conservative voice left in the political arena.

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