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Most Evangelicals, Even Anti-Abortion Evangelicals, Fine With Killing Embryos Through IVF

by | Jul 3, 2024 | News

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In recent decades, in vitro fertilization (IVF) has become a celebrated marvel in our society of convenience, “progress,” and modernization. The process, often portrayed as a “miracle” for infertile couples, involves the creation of embryos outside the womb, which are then implanted into the woman’s uterus in the hope of becoming pregnant.

However, what is conveniently glossed over in this scheme of “playing God” is the grim reality of embryo destruction—death. At The Dissenter, we have long held the position that IVF, for all its touted benefits, is fundamentally at odds with a truly pro-life ethic, given that it invariably results in the destruction of multiple human beings.

Yet, a startling revelation from Pew Research’s latest findings paints a troubling picture of the evangelical community’s stance on IVF. A significant majority of evangelicals—63% of white evangelical Protestants, which would include groups like Southern Baptists, to be precise—view access to IVF positively. This includes a considerable proportion of those who claim to oppose abortion. Indeed, many of the same evangelicals who are quick to condemn the termination of a life through abortion are unopposed to the destruction of embryos through IVF.

More adults say IVF access is a good thing than a bad thing, including those who oppose abortion access
Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/05/13/americans-overwhelmingly-say-access-to-ivf-is-a-good-thing/sr_24-05-13_ivf_2/

It’s time to call a spade a spade—the “pro-life” movement, particularly among evangelicals, prides itself on defending the sanctity of life from conception. Yet, the silent acceptance of IVF’s inherent embryo destruction reveals a glaring hypocrisy. Are these evangelicals uneducated about the realities of IVF? Are they indifferent to the lives of the unborn when it’s inconvenient? Or worse, are their pro-life claims insincere?

IVF is a process that typically involves the creation of multiple embryos to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. However, not all of these embryos are implanted. Many, even most, are discarded, frozen indefinitely, or used for scientific research—all ultimately resulting in the termination of human life. And it’s not even just a side effect of IVF, it is a fundamental aspect of the procedure.

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The evangelical community’s support for IVF, even among those who oppose abortion, raises serious questions about their commitment to the pro-life cause. It reveals a disturbing level of ignorance or, worse, a selective application of pro-life principles. It’s understandable and natural for parents to desire children, but how can one claim to champion the sanctity of life while turning a blind eye to the routine destruction of embryos?

This contradiction points to a broader issue within the evangelical movement: a lack of education on the full implications of IVF. Many evangelicals may simply be unaware that IVF involves the very destruction of life they claim to oppose. But this ignorance is inexcusable in an age where information is readily accessible. It’s not enough to be pro-life in rhetoric, we must also be pro-life in practice.

There is also the possibility of indifference. Some evangelicals might understand the realities of IVF but choose to overlook them, prioritizing the desire for biological children over the lives of the unborn. This attitude betrays a troubling willingness to compromise on fundamental pro-life principles when it suits personal desires. Worse, it reveals that one doesn’t truly believe that life begins at conception or that such life, created in the Image of God, is worthy of equal protection.

The insincerity of pro-life claims among such professing evangelical Christians cannot be ignored. It’s easy to stand against abortion when it’s politically advantageous or socially acceptable within their circles. But when faced with the complexities and personal desires surrounding infertility, their pro-life creds conveniently waver. This inconsistency undermines the credibility of the entire pro-life movement.

The acceptance of IVF among anti-abortion Evangelicals exposes a deep-rooted hypocrisy. It reveals that, for many, the pro-life label is more about political identity than genuine conviction. It’s about being part of a tribe rather than clinging to a consistent ethic of life founded in the immutable character of God and His revealed word.

If Evangelicals are to maintain any credibility in their pro-life posture, we must confront this issue head-on. We must educate ourselves and others about the realities of IVF and the inherent destruction of embryos it involves. We must be willing to forgo the convenience and personal desires that lead to the selective application of our pro-life convictions. Only then can we claim to truly champion the sanctity of life.

If the pro-life movement is to be taken seriously, it must adopt a consistent ethic of life that unequivocally opposes the destruction of children in all its forms—Satan loves death and will package it as a beautiful path to life to deceive even the seemingly most sincere Christians. But don’t fall for it. This is just another method he uses to inflict death upon humanity.

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