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Jars of Clay Lead Singer Shows Up at LGBT Pride Festival to “Show My Support”

by | Jun 3, 2024 | Apostasy, News, Opinion, Religion

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Apostasy—which comes from the Greek word apostasia (“ἀποστασία”) which literally means in the context of Scripture, departure — or falling away. In other words, it refers to those who have professed Christ, especially for a long time, and then have renounced their faith.

It started with former megachurch pastor, Dave Gass, who renounced his faith on Twitter and Instagram early this year. “After 40 years of being a devout follower, 20 of those being an evangelical pastor, I am walking away from the faith,” Gass said,“ Even though this has been a massive bomb drop in my life, it has been decades in the making.”

Then the popular “Purity Culture” pastor, Joshua Harris followed suit and renounced his faith on social media. Apologizing to the LGBTQ community, Harris announced that he no longer believed—and had no intention of believing—in the God of the Bible any longer. He was later spotted marching in a gay pride parade in Vancouver.

And a few years ago, one of the most popular Hillsong songwriters, Marty Sampson, also took to social media to announce his apostasy. Citing “science” as his main reason for unbelief, it’s clear that Scripture was never His authority to begin with — therefore he never truly believed.

Over the years, numerous “worship leaders” and “pastors” have come out in full support of sexual immorality. Whether it be the lead singer of Switchfoot to DC Talk’s Kevin Max to Derek Webb wearing a dress to the Dove Awards, apostasy is the new cool thing to do. So let’s not forget about Dan Haseltine—the lead singer of Jars of Clay, who has now come out in full support of homosexuality.

Haseltine posts on his Instagram account, decked out in pride gear, that he wanted to stop by the “Franklin PRIDE festival” to “show his support.”

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