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Crocodile Tears? Mica Miller’s Pastor-Husband Claims He Tried to Raise Her From the Dead After Alleged Suicide

by | May 17, 2024 | News, Opinion, Religion, The Church, Video

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If you’ve been following the unfolding scandal surrounding the alleged suicide of Mica Miller, the wife of South Carolina pastor, John-Paul Miller, then you may be aware of some of the speculation surrounding her tragic death. Although authorities have ruled her death a suicide, various theories and speculations continue to circulate, fueled by the complex circumstances leading up to the event.

One prevalent theory suggests that there may have been foul play involved, despite the official ruling. Mica’s family and friends have voiced their concerns, pointing to her statements about fearing for her life and the timing of her estranged husband’s whereabouts. These suspicions are compounded by her allegations of domestic abuse and her filing for divorce just days before her death.

Adding fuel to the fire is one of Miller’s recent sermons where he appears to be feigning crocodile tears in a bizarre speech about trying to raise his wife from the dead.

I got this late next to her body [strange crocodile tears] and spent time with her body about four times this week and each time it still didn’t hit me um I thought she was going to wake up you know.

I even tried to raise her from the dead one time this week. And uh, and that that morning actually I went to the mall later—she had bought me this um dog tag and the chain broke—so I went to the mall to get it fixed. And I saw a female about 20 30 feet in front of me and she was wearing one of Mica’s dresses, and she had the same tattoo Micah has on her arm, and the exact same hair. And out of just instinct I screamed “Micah!” And the girl turned and it was one of her sisters, and I thought I thought I raised her from the dead. She’s alive, you know.

But um I can’t wait to see her again one day

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