On March 27, 2023, a mass shooting occurred at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, which resulted in multiple fatalities. The attack was carried out by a transgender leftist who had written a “manifesto” which has currently been withheld due to public records requests made by the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department as well as the activism of Southern Baptist Convention ERLC head, Brent Leatherwood.
Brent Leatherwood, head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s public policy arm, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), is calling on TN lawmakers to back a proposal by Governor Bill Lee for an extreme risk protective order law, also known as red flag laws. The proposal would allow the state to temporarily restrict gun purchases if the state deems one to be a danger to themselves or others, yet the criteria that would be used to make the determination remains unclear.
Brent Leatherwood, who is also a parent of three children at Covenant School where the shooting by a deranged transgender assailant took place, shared his experience of receiving a call that a shooter was at the school. In a series of tweets on April 3, he recounted how the trauma and memories of the tragedy would be with his family for the rest of their lives.
“We’ve become numb to these tragedies as a society,” Leatherwood wrote on Twitter. “Defenseless, innocent lives being taken. We should never accept this as a reality. We need to commit ourselves to finding an answer to this epidemic and not rest until it is solved. Count me as a solution seeker on this.”
Unsurprisingly, Leatherwood has exploited this tragedy and used his platform as a Southern Baptist leader in order to advance stricter anti-Second Amendment gun control laws. In a letter addressed to Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, House Speaker Cameron Sexton, and all members of the legislature, Leatherwood presented an appeal from both his personal experience and on behalf of the majority Southern Baptist sentiment, according to The Tennessean. He urged lawmakers to ensure that no school in Tennessee ever has to endure the same nightmare as the Covenant School tragedy again.
Leatherwood told the lawmakers that Southern Baptists make up one-fifth of the population of Tennessee and have repeatedly called for ways to reduce gun violence, a seemingly veiled threat by the former leader of the TN Republican Party that he may use his power of leadership over Southern Baptists to sway the vote. “Other voices are saying there is too little time left in this legislative session to consider such a proposal. Little credence should be given to that,” he said in the letter, according to the Tennessean.
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In a report at the Epoch Times, it has been further revealed that Leatherwood had not only been advocating for stricter gun laws, but he’s also been working overtime to censor the manifesto written by the deranged transgender activist who killed innocent people on that day. While one would think that a conservative, Bible-believing Christian leader in his right mind could only think of a deranged, transvestite killer as an “unhinged activist,” instead, Leatherwood refers to those who are calling for transparency as such.
The following is from the Epoch Times:
Brent and Meredith Leatherwood, parents of three children who were present that day, echo Kinney in saying their current anguish comes from “unhinged activists, unthinking partisans, conspiracy theorists, and various media outlets that value clicks over their community.”
The Leatherwoods said their family had also received “hints” of threats of legal action in order to intimidate them from trying to stop the release of the records. Leatherwood, through his position with the Southern Baptist Convention, has called on stricter gun laws following the shooting.
In November 2023, copies of the shooter’s manifesto were released by Steven Crowder and his media team. Leatherwood proceeded to attack the media and others who had been pushing for the release.
Leatherwood, along with a minority coalition of other parents in the school, had been seeking every possible way to stop the release of the shooter’s written manifesto to the public, and had been successful in preventing the release for several months.
From the release of the manifesto, the Nashville shooter was revealed, as suspected, to be racially motivated in her attack. In fact, the manifesto clearly demonstrated a motive that was built upon the ideologies of Critical Race Theory and anti-white sentiment. Leatherwood, knowing this, had claimed that the release of the manifesto and the motive for this person’s attack was not important and would “re-victimize” the parents and students at the school.

However, in the 2019 El Paso shooting, the ERLC believed that the motive for the attack was important. But that attack was motivated by “white supremacy,” a narrative they had been pushing as a dangerous and deadly ideology.

But since the motive for the Nashville shooting went against the narrative of “white supremacy,” it became clear that the release of the information wouldn’t be deadly to others, but would instead be deadly to Leatherwood’s and the ERLC’s cause. After the release of the Nashville shooter’s manifesto yesterday, Leatherwood held a press briefing with arguably one of the most disingenuous displays of passion I’ve ever seen—it was borderline sociopathic.
Earlier this week, Leatherwood was confronted by Steven Crowder and his team after a court hearing as Leatherwood continues to push for a court order to keep any information regarding the motivation of this attack from the public. Leatherwood, like the weasel that he is, refuses to answer any questions and acts just like any leftist politician who is more concerned about his career than he is about the truth.