If you have to pay people to come to church, you might have a dead church. Jesus promised He would build his church on the solid rock of faith—faith in the atoning work of Christ on the cross. Yet, some “churches” either don’t believe that, or are just simply dissatisfied with Christ’s craftsmanship.
So what do they do? They turn to gimmicks, entertainment, and … cash prizes.
The Cross Church in Parkersburg, West Virginia, will be giving away door prizes, holding an Easter egg hunt with over 3 thousand eggs, and giving away hundreds of dollars in cash to people for bringing the most goats to church to lap up all the milk.
Why Public Trust in the Church Continues to Erode
For centuries, at least in the West, the church held an unparalleled position of trust and reverence. They were seen as the stewards of moral clarity in a world ever-increasing in cultural chaos. They were the shepherds who guided their flocks with conviction and...