If you spend any time on social media, as admittedly, I do, then you probably see the constant back and forth between conservatives and those who profess Christ with liberals about having “pronouns in their bio.” Names like Matt Walsh come to mind as he typically will write someone off in an argument simply for having pronouns (he/his, she/her, they/them, etc.) in their Twitter account biography.
But it isn’t just Walsh, many in the Christian camp are doing the same thing. Here are a few examples of Christians writing off others in argument based on pronouns in their bio:

These are just a few quick ones I grabbed just to use as examples. All of the guys in these tweets writing off others for their use of pronouns would be considered conservative, Bible-believing Christians.
But what is the big deal about having pronouns in your bio? Isn’t it just a way to express hospitality toward others who may be confused? Some may just consider it such, as do Evangelical leaders JD Greear and Rosaria Butterfield. In fact, for many it has become a way to virtue signal their “love” and “compassion” toward a group of people who are lost and need Christ.
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But virtue isn’t the only thing that using of “genderqueer” pronouns signals—it signals that you’ve already abandoned objective reality altogether. Here’s an example. One person on Twitter begs Beth Moore to affirm her as a Christian because conservative Christians “assumes I’m not a Christian because of my pronouns.”

But it isn’t simply the pronouns that cause us to assume you aren’t a Christian—it’s what the use of the pronouns represents about who you are, how you think, and what your authority is. And if your authority isn’t the objective Word of God, then you’ve abandoned a Christian worldview. And by abandoning a Christian worldview, you’ve abandoned Christianity. You have embraced foolishness, and the Bible says that those who’ve embraced foolishness like this do not worship Him.
24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. —Romans 1:24-25
This is why anyone who stands on a Christian worldview, a worldview that is rooted in the objective reality revealed to us by God, will write off anyone who has pronouns in their bios. It demonstrates that the modern pagan culture drives their thinking and the shims of society are their authority—not God. And once you’ve given up objective reality, you cannot be reasoned with. Therefore, the only appropriate response when arguing with someone with pronouns in their bio is to point at them, mock them, and say “pronouns in their bio.” All of us on the side of Christ will understand.