One of the biggest problems with the surrogacy programs is that there are few, if any background checks and home checks. Those who would not otherwise qualify for adoption are simply purchasing children, essentially from a catalog, and taking them home. This has opened the door to some of the most godawful people in the world having unfettered access to children.
As I wrote previously, the practice of surrogacy (womb rental) and IVF, especially within the context of homosexual relationships, not only distorts the Biblical design of family but also involves deeply troubling ethical concerns. In IVF, multiple embryos are often created, with the inherent risk that several will not survive. This raises significant moral questions from a Christian perspective, as life is sacred and worthy of protection from conception. The handling of these embryos, where life is both created and ended in a laboratory setting opposes God’s authority over life.
Yet it’s much worse than that, as we’re seeing every day. Recently, Pop Crave posted an image of two homosexuals, Shane Dawson and Ryland Adams, who bought two twin boys through surrogacy.

As if it wouldn’t be bad enough that sodomites are raising these two children, but it’s so much worse than that. These men didn’t purchase these children because they cared about them or their well-being, they bought them for their own personal pleasure.
So who is Shane Dawson? Well, he’s a pervert who should be behind bars. I absolutely hate to post this but this needs to be exposed for the world to see so that people will know what is wrong with the surrogacy program and put an end to it. I do not want to repeat what he said word for word, but in 2015, during a podcast, Shane Dawson went into extremely graphic detail about having sex with his cat.
Anyone who thinks that sodomites should be able to purchase children needs to have their heads checked. You can listen to the audio at this link.
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