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Southern Baptist Pastor Says Being a Homosexual Is Not Sinful and That Shouldn’t Even Be Controversial

by | Dec 6, 2023 | Apostasy, heresy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Yesterday, we reported that Joel Rainey, a prominent and outspoken Southern Baptist pastor argued on social media that Obergefell, the Supreme Court decision that falsely found that same-sex “marriage” was protected by the Constitution, should not be overturned and that Christians shouldn’t support it. Arguing that homosexuals in these civil unions are in “marriage relationships,” he stated that his opposition to overturning “gay marriage” (something that doesn’t exist), was basically rooted in the desire to not have to deal with the aftermath of unholy unions being “suddenly invalidated.”

Of course, his position is completely unbiblical and disqualifying as a pastor and shepherd of God’s people as he completely overlooks the greater reproach brought upon the Church by supporting the denigration of God’s institution of marriage. Not only does it encourage homosexual acts, it opens the door to the trafficking of children to sodomites. But none of that matters, because he’s apparently willing to sacrifice all of this on the altar of virtue signaling.

But that isn’t the only truth he’s willing to sacrifice. We recently uncovered a clip of Rainey arguing in front of his congregation that homosexual desires—the desire to practice sodomy—are not sinful and that this statement shouldn’t even be controversial.

Rainey’s position is part of a trend in the Southern Baptist Convention and Evangelicalism as a whole that is meant to soften the stigma surrounding homosexuality. The notion that one can desire to perform sex acts on someone of the same sex so long as they don’t actually carry out the performance of these sex acts as being uncontroversially non-sinful is a practice in sophistry at its finest.

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The argument, as described by Jared Moore in his book, The Lust of the Flesh, boils down to the proponents of this ideology attempting to separate thoughts from actions. To imply that one can be “oriented” to same sex, being attracted to the same sex, and desiring intercourse from someone of the same sex, without having lustful thoughts is intellectually lazy, at best.

For more on this topic, please watch my interview with Jared Moore on this very topic.

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