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You Don’t Want to Miss This: Queer Pastor Explains the Meaning of God’s Promises Through the Rainbow

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Apostasy, News, Religion, The Church, Theology | 0 comments

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Post-flood, the world lay in ruins, a stark consequence of man’s rampant sinfulness. It was then that God unfurled the rainbow across the heavens, not merely as a spectral phenomenon but as a covenant of monumental significance (Genesis 9:13-17). It was a divine proclamation, a clear signal from the Creator God Himself, declaring His vow to never again engulf the earth in a deluge of judgment.

The rainbow, then, is more than a natural wonder, it’s a celestial declaration of God’s sovereignty, a visual testament to His unceasing grace and His masterful reign over all He has created. This symbol stands as a timeless testament, a reminder that transcends generations, cultures, and fleeting human ideologies, affirming the Creator’s steadfast mercy and His supreme authority over the cosmos.

But it also stands as a reminder of his disposition toward sin. As in the days of Noah, so it remains today: God’s stance on sin is unflinching and clear. The very deluge that necessitated the rainbow was a profound demonstration of His holy wrath against iniquity. In the days of Noah, the earth was saturated with vice, and God, in His righteous judgment, purged it through the flood. This act was not capricious but a decisive response to a world steeped in moral decay.

Yet, there are some who are intent on twisting God’s promises and perverting His words into licentiousness, hijacking the sign of God’s covenant with Noah as a license to practice sexual immorality and to endorse immoral behaviors that are explicitly condemned in Scripture. These people would be wise to remove the name of God from their lips altogether. Judgment will be harsher on those who profane His Holy Name.

Listen to this “queer pastor” explain what “God’s promises” through the rainbow means to queers.

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