The professing Church in America has turned into nothing more than a Sunday morning freak show. We have covered a number of wild sermon illustrations over the years. For example, in one illustration, a pastor has someone come up and hold a gun to his head to illustrate a message about tithing and “robbing God.” In another illustration, circus ringmaster, Mike Todd, crawled up in a bed and cuddled with a naked Mannequin.
But this might just be the wildest sermon illustration I’ve ever seen, and while I did my best to blur out that which we should not see, you should still view with caution, as just the illustration itself is crass.
In this illustration, Bryan Meadows, pastor of Embassy International Church in Atlanta, brought a Hustler magazine and a vibrator on stage to illustrate a point about “friendships.” It’s just soooo stupid. But it goes without saying, this guy is not a pastor, not a Christian, and is hellbound—along with his entire congregation.
Actually, I decided, even though I blurred it out, not to bring the video clip of the illustration. I don’t want that trash on my website.